#101 Do the Best You Can

Find joy. Everything else is optional

That’s it! A list of 100 things that you can do on any given day to start to feel better, with no pressure to try to do everything all of the time. Life is an accumulation of little experiences and accomplishments and successes and failures. No single day needs to be perfect, but in each day if you remember to do at least one thing that makes you feel better then you are on the right path.

Make it easy on yourself to take care of yourself. Start with the basics – get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, and eat some fruits and vegetables every day. After that you can add other things from the list, or not. Do what you can and then forget about it. We can’t live perfectly every day, nor is it necessary. 

If nothing else, take away from this list the realization that there are multiple things you can do to truly make yourself feel better. Make sure that they fit your lifestyle. When you start to take care of yourself – body, mind, and soul – then you will be in a better position to roll with the waves of life and take good care of those around you.

Success comes from reaching for your dreams and enjoying the journey along the way. Treat your body well so that it can support you in everything you dream of doing. Don’t take your health for granted until something goes wrong. Likewise, learn to breathe deeply and calm your mind to minimize stress and the damage that it can bring. 

Live with a sense of purpose and the knowledge that you have some control every day to do things that can help you stay happy and healthy for a long time. Take it easy and never lose your sense of humour. Whatever is happening now, as long as you are still alive for another day there is a possibility to change everything about your life. 

Take it easy and pay attention to the little things around you. Embrace each day like the wonderful gift that it is, and fill your heart with love. May you find everything you are looking for in life, and may it be what you hoped it would be when you get it.

Live well.

#100 Learn Something New

A tree in Australia that was looking at me. Keep your eyes open and never stop learning

It’s easy to learn new things every day. All you need to do is search on the internet for a subject that interests you and then read about it. There are online courses that you can take if you want to really dive into something, or you can just quickly get the facts and move on. Either way, it keeps your mind active, opens you up to new viewpoints, and allows you to stay on top of the latest research.

Check the sources though. Just because something is written or published doesn’t always mean that it is true. Check the qualifications of the source and consult more than one to be sure that what you are reading isn’t just someone’s opinion. 

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#99 Go Natural

Don’t run away because you look different! This spotted hyena is beautiful and unique, as we all are

There are many artificial ways to change the way we look and feel. Surgery, prescription drugs, narcotics, makeup and hair dye are all tools that can be used to change us, and they all come with different consequences. The basic assumption behind the desire to change who we are is that we aren’t already good enough.

It’s okay to want to be the best version of yourself. But when society tells you that you must be a certain way or you aren’t valuable, and you believe it, then this isn’t helpful. Just as there are millions of different animals and plants that are unique, humans are meant to come in different shapes, sizes, colours and temperaments. There isn’t supposed to be a cookie cutter human being.

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#98 Express Yourself

Sometimes you need to talk to yourself to get the best advice

Share your feelings today with complete honesty. But don’t share them with someone else – instead, share them with yourself, or with a tree, or your dog or cat. Talk to something that isn’t going to talk back. This is about full expression of what you are feeling, what your dreams are, and being completely honest with how you are really doing.

By not sharing this with someone else, there is no expectation that someone else can fix you, or judge you, or figure things out for you. In reality we stand alone, a product of accumulated experiences that no one else can truly understand. We know how things affect us, how we have felt hurt or let down in the past, or how we have hurt or let down others. Stand naked to the inner you that never needs to be shared with another, and get honest with how you feel.

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#97 Trust in the Wisdom of Creation

What a wonderful world…

We randomly appear in this world, live our lives guided by the customs and expectations of our immediate surroundings and the culture we are in, and then at some point we exist no more. Although life seems out of our control in some ways, there are many things we can do to steer the direction of our journey. We think, we act, and we produce results. This begins at a very young age, and it continues as long as we have control of our mental faculties until death.

The most amazing tool we have is our bodies. From conception to birth, so many things far beyond our capacity to understand or duplicate take place to turn us from a sperm and an egg into the human beings we become. Cells duplicate, specify their functions, and our hearts form and then begin to beat. It all happens soundlessly, a perfect orchestration of events that can sometimes go wrong, but for the most part goes very right.

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#96 Celebrate Your Greatness

A Komodo dragon basking in his greatness. He is successful because he exists – and so are you

Have you ever tried to teach a dog how to perform a trick? Rewarding the behaviour that you are trying to elicit is the quickest way to achieve success. By letting the dog know when he is doing something right, it doesn’t take long before he understands what you want and is able to perform the new task consistently. Children are also constantly seeking approval, and by encouraging them when they are learning how to navigate life is the easiest way to teach them what is expected.

Just because we aren’t young anymore doesn’t mean that this doesn’t work for us too. Actually, celebrating on a regular basis sets us up to look for more things to appreciate. Don’t only celebrate the big goals. Learn to celebrate the small things in life and it will foster a sense of confidence and joyfulness within.

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#95 Focus On What You Can Control

I wanted a picture with the quokka, and he wanted to climb on me. You just can’t control others!

The weather, the state of the economy, politicians, traffic, and the people in your life can all be major sources of stress for you. They are also completely out of your control. Fighting against what you don’t like but can’t control is a futile exercise, leading to stress, frustration, and ultimately ill health. Focus instead on the multiple things that are under your control.

Health, energy levels, happiness, and your overall outlook on life are all under the sphere of what you can change. By altering a few habits that you have accumulated, you can completely steer your life in a new direction. If you are unhappy with your physical condition or the circumstances of your life, then know that you can exercise some control in these areas.

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#94 Take Control of Your Thoughts

Life is a balancing act. Navigate it joyfully by being in charge of your thoughts

I am in control of my thoughts. Say this to yourself right now. Repeat it a couple of times and notice all of the thoughts that rush in to tell you that no, you aren’t in control, because this person is doing this and the government is doing that and everything around you is forcing you to be a certain way.

Now take a deep breath and say it again. I am in control of my thoughts. It’s a very simple statement, but it is one that can change your life in an instant. Whatever is going on around you, whatever is happening in every situation and at every moment are occurrences outside of you, but when you remember that you are in control of your thoughts your internal experience can be your choice.

You don’t need to be a victim anymore.

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#93 Make a New Moon Resolution

You can’t see a new moon, but it makes watching fireworks easier

We are all familiar with the custom of making New Year’s resolutions. Once a year, we are supposed to look back at what we have accomplished, figure out where we are now, and then decide what we would like to do in the coming year. Common themes include losing weight, exercising more, making more money, and various other life-changing ideas. But most of us don’t follow through. The reason? The ideas are too vague, have no action steps to take, and lack a specific timeframe.

When faced with 365 days ahead of us and broad goals such as losing weight, it is easy to start with some enthusiasm but to fall into procrastination and revert to old habits relatively quickly. If we have an entire year to do something, what’s the rush? Of course this leads to the end of this year’s review looking exactly like the previous year. Goals are pushed forward and we promise to do better.

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#92 Protect Your Ears

Horses depend on their ears for survival. We do too in a lot of ways

As we age and notice that our eyesight is changing, we might also be aware that our hearing is declining as well. Although this can be less obvious than eyesight, losing the ability to hear over time is something that you can minimize by taking steps today to preserve it.

Many people don’t even know that their sense of hearing has changed, and it often isn’t until someone close to you tells you that you have the television turned up very loud or you don’t hear them talking that you notice. Any changes in hearing should be checked by a doctor, because early detection can help with treatment.

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