#97 Trust in the Wisdom of Creation

What a wonderful world…

We randomly appear in this world, live our lives guided by the customs and expectations of our immediate surroundings and the culture we are in, and then at some point we exist no more. Although life seems out of our control in some ways, there are many things we can do to steer the direction of our journey. We think, we act, and we produce results. This begins at a very young age, and it continues as long as we have control of our mental faculties until death.

The most amazing tool we have is our bodies. From conception to birth, so many things far beyond our capacity to understand or duplicate take place to turn us from a sperm and an egg into the human beings we become. Cells duplicate, specify their functions, and our hearts form and then begin to beat. It all happens soundlessly, a perfect orchestration of events that can sometimes go wrong, but for the most part goes very right.

Action – Appreciate how incredible it is that you are here and that your body does all of the amazing things that it does. As long as you eat in a way that supports your health, get adequate rest, and prevent or treat illness as much as possible, your body will take care of itself most of the time with no issues. It will digest food, get rid of pathogens, eliminate waste, and perform routine maintenance constantly. Its functions are intricate, complicated, and coordinated.

Trust that whatever you need to take care of yourself exists and is available to you. If you manage yourself well and don’t take things for granted, you can hope to live a life free from suffering and pain. Things can happen along the way, and they do, but your expectations should be of the highest possibilities.

Steps – How you feel first thing in the morning is a good barometer of where you are in terms of health and where you might be headed. You should expect to wake up feeling fully rested, peaceful and eager to start the day. If your body is adequately nourished, you won’t feel hungry until you have been somewhat active. Your skin will be glowing and your eyes should be bright. Your temperament should be steady, with feelings of joy and happiness as constant companions. 

If, instead, you drag yourself out of bed feeling like you need more sleep, are ravenously hungry, cranky and feeling aches and pains, then the wisdom of the body has been circumvented. Your behaviours are robbing you of the health and well-being that you deserve to feel. Decide what is important to you and understand that you are responsible to look after yourself as best you can.

Why It Makes You Feel Better – Being healthy isn’t just being free of disease. We deserve much more than that. We should be able to function without the use of pharmaceuticals, with abundant energy and in a pleasant state of mind. The expectation to live in a healthy environment as a productive member of society should exist for all. It isn’t unreasonable to want the best for yourself and for everyone else too.

Just because things are a certain way doesn’t mean they need to stay the same. Every day brings with it the opportunity to do things differently. Start where you are and strive to become the best that you can be.

Example – Make a few changes today if you aren’t experiencing optimal health. Tend to the basic needs of your body and do what it takes to give it what it needs to function well. Everything you eat makes a difference, as does your attitude and the way you respond to your environment. Become aware of what doesn’t work for you anymore and then change it.

You have the power to move mountains. Choose today to live the rest of your life to your full potential.

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