#100 Learn Something New

A tree in Australia that was looking at me. Keep your eyes open and never stop learning

It’s easy to learn new things every day. All you need to do is search on the internet for a subject that interests you and then read about it. There are online courses that you can take if you want to really dive into something, or you can just quickly get the facts and move on. Either way, it keeps your mind active, opens you up to new viewpoints, and allows you to stay on top of the latest research.

Check the sources though. Just because something is written or published doesn’t always mean that it is true. Check the qualifications of the source and consult more than one to be sure that what you are reading isn’t just someone’s opinion. 

Action – Even when there is a consensus among experts that something is true, sometimes new research comes along and changes everything. This happens more often than you might think. It is also why it is important to always keep an open mind and to continue to learn. If you hear something and want to know more about it, take it upon yourself to do the research necessary.

You can start to learn a new language, learn how to make something, fix small issues around the house, get a degree, learn astrology, and expand your knowledge on how the human body works all by typing a few things on the computer and then choosing from the multiple options that exist. There is something written about virtually everything, and you are only limited by your imagination.

Steps – Before you accept anything as true, think about it. Understand that often there are trends started or things said that aren’t based in reality but are used as tools for someone to profit from. It seems like everyone is trying to sell something these days. Sometimes the intentions are honourable and people truly want to help, but sometimes they are just trying to take your money. It is up to you to be vigilant and protect yourself from false claims.

Do your due diligence. Even if the person is in a position of authority, like a doctor or a politician, take it upon yourself to do your own research. Especially when it comes to claims about something that could affect your health, take the time to check facts before you buy something. Don’t be a victim and possibly lose your money or, worse yet, affect your own health and well-being because you took advice that was harmful.

Why It Makes You Feel Better – The process of learning new things is extremely valuable not just for your own interest, but also as a way to keep the brain healthy and active. Every phase of our lives provides an opportunity to learn. We should always keep wanting to discover new things and to keep the brain as active as our bodies. 

Learning causes actual changes in the brain and can help to stave off dementia. The formation of new neural pathways that happens as we learn new skills is beneficial to overall brain health. Learning a new language or learning how to dance are activities that will contribute to better health and a happier outlook on life.

Example – When we stop learning, we stop living. The world is full of so many different things that there will never come a day when you can’t learn something new. Look for things that interest you and start there. Learn because it’s good for you, but also learn because it’s an enjoyable activity.

You can change who you think you are by learning something new about the world around you, so take every opportunity to expand your horizons by expanding your mind. Look for the unlimited possibilities around you as you expand your knowledge every day.

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