Do the Body Right

My weekly fruit haul. When you eat a lot of this, it leaves less room for a lot of other stuff

You can’t get away from yourself.

No matter what you do, where you go, what types of behaviours you indulge in, or what you think about all day long, there is no escape.

You come into this world in a body and, although it changes constantly, you will be in it until you are gone.

Is there any reason to make this an unpleasant place to live? If you are going to be in the same body every single day, wouldn’t you rather it be a pleasant relationship?

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Looking for What You Want

Beauty is everywhere and we are never alone. Open your eyes and you will see…

There is truth to the saying that you can’t go back. What was there will never be the same.

Whether it is a job, a relationship, or your old way of life, it won’t be what it was before. If you allow it to be what it is now, it might actually be better than what you had ever hoped for.

There is no place like home. Not the physical structure of home, because that can change a few or many times throughout your life. The real home is the sense of belonging that lives inside of you.

It’s important to feel like we belong somewhere. There is no more lonely feeling than thinking that no one cares about you and nowhere feels safe.

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Recognize the beauty that is everywhere, and for a moment just appreciate it. Cuba at Christmas

A recent survey revealed that teenagers living in the UK were the least likely to think “My life has clear meaning or purpose”.

Teenagers. At a time of life when they should be playing sports, dating, learning in school about things that interest them, testing out different ideas of how they would like to make a living, and having fun along the way, instead they are despondent and desperate.

It isn’t a promising world when the younger generation has lost hope.

Things are difficult in many ways today. Social media has glamorized the lives of the rich and privileged and made many feel bad about themselves. It is too easy to be able to compare your life to someone else’s now and decide that you aren’t measuring up.

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Seizing Greatness

Nature doesn’t hold back – why should we? Another Puerto Rican moment

Why is it always easy to see what others are talented at doing and so much more difficult to recognize our own skills?

We tend to be demeaning and to belittle the talents we possess. Whether it is because we don’t want to to be seen as arrogant, or we lack confidence, we can get good at putting ourselves down.

In a universe where nothing needs to be done on a small scale, many of us fall victim to allowing ourselves to be less than we could be.

How often have you looked at someone else and thought of all of the things they could accomplish if only they put their mind to it? We see examples of wasted talent all of the time, and it’s a shame.

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Reach Back

Give someone a hand if they need it. Don’t leave them stranded like my Puerto Rican bird friend

Caught up in our own lives, sometimes we forget to look around and see what’s going on around us. People who we are close with could be struggling and we don’t even see it until it gets to be a big problem.

This fast-paced world we are in right now comes with pressure to be successful, achieve great things, and work to make something of our lives so we can show everyone how well we are doing. It’s a lot to deal with. 

It’s probably safe to assume that many people around you are struggling. Acknowledge that you have those challenging moments too.

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You Can’t Get There from There

My beautiful Puerto Rico beach, the place I went to find myself by getting lost

What do you want? Right now, in this moment, what do you want, who do you want to be, what would you like to see in your life?

If you look around and see only what you don’t want to see, then it will be difficult to get anywhere new.

You can’t get there from there.

There are many injustices in the world. People are starving or being persecuted, there is racism and hatred, the economy is making the rich richer and the poor poorer, and the climate is changing. What’s there to like about anything?

But there have never not been challenges. Plagues, war, famine, earthquakes, and whatever happened to the Mayans are moments from history that show things have never been perfect. There is no heaven on earth.

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Strength Hides Weakness

My yoga family! We came together to learn how to share the gift of yoga, and we found strength in ourselves through each other

Nothing is celebrated more than strength in our society. Whether it is physical or fiscal, strength and those who possess it are deemed successful and admired as people to emulate.

Outward strength never tells the whole story though. Very often, the inside of the strongest personas is weak and fragile. Bravado covers up insecurity.

There is perceived strength in numbers. People in groups are always much more confident than those who walk alone. Having status on social media platforms or as a public personality on television or in the media allows people to feel important, to have the ability to influence others in a multitude of ways.

It’s neither good nor bad. But it is important to remember that everything anyone does is a reflection of their own accumulated experiences and how they reference life.

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It’s In You to Give

Good yoga teachers assist students to realize the full benefits of a stretch

Those very words – it’s in you to give – are used in commercials in an attempt to get you to donate blood. It’s quite clever and a wonderful way to use a phrase to make us think about how we can help others by giving away something we have inside ourselves.

What else is inside you that you could give away with the intention to help without needing recognition?

When we donate blood, we assume that it will go where it is needed but we never know who receives the gift. Most likely the person who needs it is appreciative that someone took the time to donate something so precious, and the interaction is extremely intimate and yet completely anonymous.

It is a beautiful exchange.

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Support Yourself

Just a beautiful day on the beach in Barbados, nothing more, nothing less

Why do we think that we don’t control who we choose to be? When someone does something and then is unhappy about it, they might say, “Oh, I just couldn’t help myself,” or “I don’t know why I always do that.”

If you aren’t in control of you, then who is?

Your thoughts, your emotions, the way you speak, act, and function in society is all a choice. Many choices actually, but all leading back to one thing: you put out into the world a projection of who you think you are.

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Squandering It Away

This was taken on my first trip to Puerto Rico, when I decided to find beauty and make sense of my life

There are lots of words in the English language. Some invoke passion, while others are more passive. The word ‘squander’ is powerful. It denotes the intentional wasting of an opportunity, or time, or money.

The actual definition is to waste something in a reckless and foolish manner.


There are so many things that we can do every day. We can make decisions to start an exercise habit, to begin to build our own business, or to find ways to help others.

Or we can sit in front of the TV, or play video games, and squander away the day. It’s a choice.

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