Seizing Greatness

Nature doesn’t hold back – why should we? Another Puerto Rican moment

Why is it always easy to see what others are talented at doing and so much more difficult to recognize our own skills?

We tend to be demeaning and to belittle the talents we possess. Whether it is because we don’t want to to be seen as arrogant, or we lack confidence, we can get good at putting ourselves down.

In a universe where nothing needs to be done on a small scale, many of us fall victim to allowing ourselves to be less than we could be.

How often have you looked at someone else and thought of all of the things they could accomplish if only they put their mind to it? We see examples of wasted talent all of the time, and it’s a shame.

Watching people try to be smaller than who they are meant to be can be frustrating, especially when it is someone close to you.

But have you ever considered that you are guilty of the same thing?

We all have hopes and dreams, things that we would like to do if only we had the time, energy, money, support, were older or younger, and whatever other excuses we can come up with. We decide to be small. We stay stuck where we are, yearning for more but without the confidence to do anything about it.

Recognize that with a few steps, you can begin to gather momentum and make your dreams a reality.

There is nothing you cannot do if your desire is strong enough. Sometimes a little help from someone else is all you need to get the ball rolling.

If there is someone you can talk with about all of this it can be a big help. It is always inspiring to get a different perspective of your talents from someone who isn’t you.

If you don’t feel comfortable sharing this with another, then there are other ways to discover the opportunities that exist to move you forward.

Use the internet. Find someone who has done what you want to do, like write a book or start a business or invest money in the stock market. Emulating others can get you started on a path that will eventually reveal to you your own abilities.

Start from where you are. Notice what is working and what isn’t, and know that you have the power to change whatever you see in your life. 

It’s not about abandoning your responsibilities. Nothing about pursuing your dreams has to lead to you running away from the life you have created up to this point.

There is always a way to be who you need to be right now while moving towards who you want to become.

Stop wasting time. Everyone leads busy lives, but often the quality of what we are doing is less productive than it could be. Manage your schedule and find time in life to do what you need to do to get what you want.

You can write a book while sitting on the subway going to work everyday. Instead of watching TV you can paint or make products to sell or take a course or get your Masters degree. There are always ways to find the time to do what is important to you to get to the next step.

Whether you begin today or not, you will never be more ready than you are right now. No one is stopping you from expressing your greatness except for you. Don’t blame your spouse, or the kids, or the economy or your parents.

The onus is all on you. Instead of finding all of the reasons why you can’t do something, just start doing it. Don’t listen to the little voice in your head that wants to keep you small.

If you don’t start now, you may never have the chance again. Time will pass by whichever road you decide to travel. 

Why not choose your destination instead of leaving it to chance?

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