You Can’t Get There from There

My beautiful Puerto Rico beach, the place I went to find myself by getting lost

What do you want? Right now, in this moment, what do you want, who do you want to be, what would you like to see in your life?

If you look around and see only what you don’t want to see, then it will be difficult to get anywhere new.

You can’t get there from there.

There are many injustices in the world. People are starving or being persecuted, there is racism and hatred, the economy is making the rich richer and the poor poorer, and the climate is changing. What’s there to like about anything?

But there have never not been challenges. Plagues, war, famine, earthquakes, and whatever happened to the Mayans are moments from history that show things have never been perfect. There is no heaven on earth.

So, why even bother? Why even try to be happy or peaceful in a world where what you see is so horribly unfair?

As bad as it might be now, you have felt moments of joy before. You have had glimpses of this pure emotion that suspends all judgment and all focus on what is wrong.

It is worth reaching for that again.

To get to a state of joy and inner bliss, it is necessary to put attention on it. You can’t be happy when you are looking at everything that makes you unhappy. The focus needs to switch and the easiest way to accomplish that is through gratitude.

There are many things to be unhappy about, but there are also many things to appreciate. Happiness is unique to everyone so begin to look around and notice what makes you feel a little better than you feel right now.

Make it a goal to see what is right about the world instead of needing to pick apart all that is not. Take a break from the news and from other people who want only to dwell in misery. You are a product of everything you surround yourself with on a daily basis.

If you aren’t happy with what that is, then you need to change the scenery.

Choose your entertainment. Find something inspiring, stories of strength and determination and the indomitable spirit that allows people to overcome great obstacles. Allow their stories to inspire you to know that greatness is within all of us.

Help someone else. Through assisting others, we recognize that we are more fortunate than we like to think. Reach back and help someone who is struggling and let them know that someone cares.

Stop indulging yourself in pity. Are things perfect? Of course not. Why do you think they have to be?

Things are as they are regardless of your opinion of how they should be instead. People, the economy, the government, the weather – none of this is under your direct control.

If you don’t like what you see, then change what you are looking at.

There is always good in the world. Out of great disasters and tragedies come stories of love and sacrifice, of the power of humanity to make something good out of something that isn’t good at all.

Others have come before you and will come after you and do great things starting with much less than you have. The one difference is that they saw the potential while you are focusing on the limitations.

Change the focus, alter the narrative, and begin to appreciate what is right in your world. Every good feeling you find can multiply, filling you with a desire to see and feel more of it.

Stop looking for what you don’t want to find. Stop being offended and stop being a victim. You are filled with potential that is wasted if you don’t allow it to find an outlet.

Be better than that. You and everyone around you deserve at least the best of what you have to give.

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