Strength Hides Weakness

My yoga family! We came together to learn how to share the gift of yoga, and we found strength in ourselves through each other

Nothing is celebrated more than strength in our society. Whether it is physical or fiscal, strength and those who possess it are deemed successful and admired as people to emulate.

Outward strength never tells the whole story though. Very often, the inside of the strongest personas is weak and fragile. Bravado covers up insecurity.

There is perceived strength in numbers. People in groups are always much more confident than those who walk alone. Having status on social media platforms or as a public personality on television or in the media allows people to feel important, to have the ability to influence others in a multitude of ways.

It’s neither good nor bad. But it is important to remember that everything anyone does is a reflection of their own accumulated experiences and how they reference life.

If I stand up and tell everyone that life is difficult, that everything is unfair and that all people want to do is take advantage of you, and if I have some influence on others, then I will be able to affect the way they view what is happening around them.

Through the power of the word, I can put someone instantly on guard, watchful for the next disaster or jerk who is going to try to rip them off.

It’s not a nice world to live in if everyone is walking around in a state of paranoia.

Why, if I want to be happy and to feel joy, would I want to tell others that those things don’t exist, that the world is a horrible place devoid of love and compassion?

There is nothing to be gained by sharing a message of destruction and loss. It is also what you will bring to your personal existence if you focus on it all day long.

There is good in the world. I know there is, because I embody it. I go out of my way to do nice things for others as many times a day as possible. I do it because it makes me feel good, so it is a selfish undertaking.

It is so selfish that I have no need for anyone to applaud what I do, to recognize my efforts or to thank me for anything I have done. No, I do it for me.

True strength comes from knowing that no matter what is going on around you, there is always the ability to bring a sense of peace and bliss to all of it. No matter how ugly or terrible or disastrous the situation, the inner essence of who you are can remain in a state of grace.

The strength is within. It always has been and it always will be.

So many are struggling right now. We get caught up in the noise of the world and the chaos that is broadcast everywhere through the media and through the voices of others. It is challenging to withdraw from that, to remember that you will see what you believe and you will attract what you think about.

It’s difficult to reach for sanity in a world that seems to have gone insane.

But it is there. It is your choice to find the messages that bring you a sense of peace, and to find the voices that offer hope and love and a sense of ease. They are there.

Choose what you allow into your life, whether it is the news you watch, the books you read, or the people you listen to. Just because something is loud doesn’t mean you have to pay attention to it.

Inner strength is the ability to be resilient and to flow with any situation that arises, maintaining a sense of dignity through it all. Find that within; all of the actions you take after that will support you in your desire to feel good.

Share love, not misery. First share it with yourself, because from that place the strength to do anything you want will be there.

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