Squandering It Away

This was taken on my first trip to Puerto Rico, when I decided to find beauty and make sense of my life

There are lots of words in the English language. Some invoke passion, while others are more passive. The word ‘squander’ is powerful. It denotes the intentional wasting of an opportunity, or time, or money.

The actual definition is to waste something in a reckless and foolish manner.


There are so many things that we can do every day. We can make decisions to start an exercise habit, to begin to build our own business, or to find ways to help others.

Or we can sit in front of the TV, or play video games, and squander away the day. It’s a choice.

There aren’t many other words that I find as motivating as squander. The last thing I want to do is waste a life that could be exciting and meaningful and creative. The last thing I want to be accused of is squandering the opportunity I had to be who I want to be.

It sounds so wasteful, so passive and weak.

He had it all, but he squandered it away. How irresponsible.

She could have been anything, but instead she squandered away her talents and did nothing. That hurts.

Nothing anyone else says should matter to you. But everything you say to yourself does.

Are you guilty of squandering your life away?

If every morning you wake up with a powerful thought in your mind, with the knowing that all you need to do is set a goal and then work steadily towards achieving it without wasting time, then the day is likely to be very productive.

Every moment you spend working towards something you want is priceless. Every moment you spend thinking about what you want and then thinking about all of the reasons why you can’t do it or how other people are going to stop you is time well-wasted.

You can be an achiever, or you can be a squanderer. The decision is made in your mind. Procrastinating is a decision to do nothing. Fear is an excuse to not even start. Blame is a way of making it everyone else’s fault that you aren’t doing anything to advance your life.

It’s time to get real. Time is going by whether you are doing something actively or sitting there passively.

Nothing gets easier in life. We all get older and physically weaker. When you say you are too old to do something, do you think you are going to get any younger?

There is always someone doing exactly what you declare is an impossibility. People in their 90’s run marathons. Not many of them, but the ones who want to find a way.

The only real limits that exist are the ones you impose upon yourself.

Truth – you will never be younger than you are right at this moment. Time will pass by regardless of your denial or complaining about it. If you want to do something and you aren’t starting right now, then you aren’t likely to start in the future.

You are a squanderer.

Time is precious, opportunities are everywhere, and when you want something badly enough then you likely have the skills necessary to achieve it. At the very least, you will be moving in a new direction that could lead anywhere every time you begin something new.

Don’t fall into the trap of postponing your life. Thinking that you will begin something at a later date, like when the kids go to college or you aren’t as tired all the time or the economy gets better, is just an excuse.

You will never start if you don’t start now.

Seize control of the one thing you can have mastery over – your internal dialogue and your level of motivation. You can do anything you want to do, but you need to do it now.

Don’t be guilty of squandering away the chance to live the life you are meant to live.

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