Your Right to Complain

A cloudy day on the beach, the perfect time for me to dance and be free

Things aren’t going your way. Every time you try to do something, it seems like everything is against you. The luck just isn’t rolling in your direction.

You have every right to complain. It’s just not something you need to share.

Pollute your own space with negativity if you choose. Your negative judgments of how things are supposed to be aren’t helpful to anyone. Honestly, no one else cares.

People get on social media and complain that it is raining. Why is there a need to share this with anyone who happens to see it? Is there any enjoyment in spreading misery everywhere?

Why is it that we can have nine good things happen in a day, and the one time someone cuts us off in traffic, or we are late for a meeting or spill coffee on ourselves, that is the one thing we remember about the day? Then we feel compelled to tell everyone else about how horrible it was. 

Thanks for sharing.

Reducing our focus down to concentrating on those things we don’t want or don’t appreciate is the exact opposite of what we should be doing.

Appreciate this great truth – what you think about will expand in your life. Everything you concentrate on will grow like a plant that gets all of the fertilizer. Allow the importance of this to penetrate your consciousness now.

Focusing on the wrongs in your life will cultivate more of the same. You will attract exactly what it is that you don’t want.

Every relationship you have, every project you start, every time you look for something to bring you satisfaction, all of it will be coloured by your prevailing vibration. Negativity is an extremely strong offering to an energetic world that will respond to you in kind.

You don’t need to believe this for it to be true. But for one moment, allow the possibility that it is true to enter your mind. Begin to think about the stream of thoughts and the quality of those thoughts that run through you every day. Would you be a bit concerned that perhaps you have been sabotaging yourself?

Would you take the time to be more deliberate in what thoughts you allow to dominate the landscape of your internal existence?

You can deliberately choose what thoughts you have. This seems impossible to many people, but if you aren’t controlling your thoughts then who is?

This is accomplished through practice, much like anything else in life. By becoming aware and noticing what you are thinking about, in that moment you have the ability to change the direction of those thoughts.

Everything in society is created by thought. Before anything can come into the physical world, someone had to think about it first. It didn’t exist, and then it did.

Look at the advancements that have been made in the last 50 years. All of the technology that we take for granted didn’t exist. We didn’t have cellphones or personal computers or anything like the internet. It’s amazing what has happened in such a short time.

What will the world look like 50 years from now? It depends on the quality of ideas that people focus on, and what is important. Managing the resources of the world will be at the forefront of thought, and hopefully we are better at it than we are right now.

Your personal world will look like whatever you are thinking about all of the time. If you are focused on lack, then that will be your truth. If you focus on creation and expansion and prosperity, then it will be a different world you will see.

It is your right to complain. It is your right to be unhappy, miserable and defeated. 

It is also your right not to be. Life will unfold regardless of which you choose, but your life quality will reflect this choice.

Feel free to be miserable, but consider keeping it to yourself.

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