Failure and Why It’s the Best Thing That Can Happen

The infamous snow-yoga shoot. I failed a few times before I got the pose I wanted – and it was -20C!

None of us likes to fail.

We set out to achieve something, hoping that we will find instant success. Some things come naturally to us; others do not. Still, we try multiple things over the years and eventually hone in on a few that we enjoy.

If one measure of your success is that you don’t fail very often, then you aren’t challenging yourself enough.

With each failure comes the discovery of how not to do something. There is nothing right or wrong about the results that are produced – they either move you toward or away from the ultimate goal.

Each time you attempt something and it doesn’t work out, you have taken one step towards the achievement of what you are trying to do. You get a little closer every time.

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Think Only of What You Want

My view from my balcony on Canada Day – fireworks always bring our awareness to the present moment

When you truly become aware that you are in control of your thoughts, your life can change instantly.

Some people never recognize this potential within themselves. They feel that everything happens to them by chance, and that they have no control over the circumstances of life.

This just isn’t true.

While it is true that as children we have very little control over our life situation, as we get older we are able to design our lives in whatever way we choose.

Our thoughts and emotions play the biggest role in who we are and who we will become.

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Be Who You Want to Be – Focus

I am dwarfed by the magnificence of creation. My problems are meaningless. I choose to live in joy

It can be overwhelming sometimes to know what you want. There are so many choices, so many different options that making a decision and narrowing it down to one can be intimidating.

And that can be just what to have for breakfast!

The world is like a big buffet. No two people are the same, nor do we need to be. We all have basic needs of survival, like having food, shelter and safety. After that, it becomes a choice as to what interests you and how you want to live your life.

Sometimes other people make our choices for us, and if these choices don’t resonate with us then we can feel resentment. As we get older we have the power to reclaim our lives and do what we choose to do.

So why do so many people stay in jobs or careers that they absolutely despise?

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Be Who You Want to Be – Planning

Sit, think, and figure it out. You can’t get there if you don’t know where you are going! Photo Credit: Dawn Kay

Would you ask a 16 year old to plan your life for you? Are you in a career now that you decided on many years ago that doesn’t satisfy you? Are you afraid to leave because you have invested so much time into it that you are scared to walk away?

Some people suffer for years because they are following a path that was laid out long ago that no longer resonates with them. Maybe it never did, but they were encouraged to go into a certain line of work by others, usually family.

Yes, we all need to be productive in life, but don’t you envy the people who make a living doing what they are passionate about? Don’t you wish you could wake up every day, excited and anticipating all that is to come?

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Be Who You Want To Be – Decisions

I walked this beach in Puerto Rico for hours and hours. I finally found what I was looking for

No fooling around with this one – this is perhaps the most important thing that you can do to realize your dreams.

First, you must know what your dreams are!

Spend some time thinking about what your ideal day looks like. From personal experience, I know that having no structure and no goals wasn’t fulfilling to me. I used to think that wandering around on an island all day was going to satisfy me, but then I did it and it wasn’t true.

When we can only think of wanting to have less to do in life, it means that we need a break. We are struggling to accommodate the pressures we put on ourselves. Take a look at where you can ease the commitments you have and give yourself some much needed relaxation.

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So, What Do You Do?

I used to do this. Now I do something else. Same me, different role Photo Credit:

Hi, I’m Dawn. I’m a writer and an entrepreneur. What do you do?

Every time we meet someone new, one of the first things we do is categorize who we think they are by what they do for a living. We form judgments based on the ideas we have in our minds about what different professions look like.

If I tell you I am a writer, you have your impressions of what that means to you. It probably has nothing to do with me at all, but it gives you a starting place to try to understand who I am.

If I said I was a gambler and I make money betting sports, your conclusions about me would be different. I am still the same person, but the veil you see me through has changed.

What we do shouldn’t define who we are, but in this society it does. We deem others as more or less worthy by the occupation they perform.

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Seeking Perfection, Finding Resistance

New moon, time to plan. Full moon, time to act. Moments unfolding in perfection, always

I sure wish I had… I really wish I was… Oh how different things could be if…

Now fill in the blanks. 

When I think of these statements and fill in my own blanks, I am one step closer to knowing what my dreams are. And in that knowing, I now have the power to make those things my reality.

I developed the crutch of seeking perfection at a young age. Now I know that the perfection I thought I was working towards was just an excuse not to get started. 

At the root of perfectionism lies the seed of procrastination.

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Start From Where You Are

Barbados – Someone looked at this rock and saw stairs. What wonderful ingenuity

Everything happens right now. Start from where you are. Where else can you start from?  It’s a good time to check in with yourself and really get in touch with how you feel.

Sometimes we get so busy just getting through life that we lose sight of what we truly want to create.

Check in and ask yourself how you feel. Are you a little bored, like you know that there should be something more to life, but things seem a little pointless sometimes?

Is inertia holding you back? It’s time to break free from the gravitational pull of mediocrity and take control of your life – because it’s your life to control.

Life is way too short to waste time being ordinary.

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Simplicity – Putting Ease Into Your Life

Just a bird, doing bird things. Life is simple if you want it to be

Do you ever wonder why it feels like nothing comes easily for you? You swear that someone put a curse on you, or that you have no luck unless it is bad luck, or you just aren’t meant to have good things happen.

When you begin to operate from this mindset, then you are fulfilling your own destiny.

You are actually making sure that things will never go well for you.

We don’t completely understand how powerful words and thoughts are. In every moment, we are creating our future through our energy.

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Letting Go

Beautiful Dory, dashing Robert, eccentric Ernie, and yours truly – unique and living life our way!

Life without worrying about, or even for a moment considering, what other people think of you is the most freeing thing you can imagine.

Why would we ever allow the opinions of others to affect us in any way?

Growing up, I remember how important it felt to fit in, to have a group that I belonged to. There were kids who did their own thing, who were uniquely different, and the other kids were quite cruel to them.

People who operate outside of the box are considered rebellious, and we can become uncomfortable in their presence.

But if you try to be the same as everyone else, the contribution you are here to offer the world is never realized. The full realization of who you are is stifled.

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