The Evolution of You

How can we be ordinary when nothing around us is? Another beautiful sunset in Costa Rica

Change can be difficult. Our habits become ingrained and we often move through the day with little thought as to what we are doing.

We wake up, shower, get dressed, go to work, come home, watch TV or play games, go to bed, and repeat.

Weekends are different, but also the same. There may be social activities, but there are also routines like grocery shopping, cleaning, taking the kids places, or taking yourself somewhere.

Life has a flow to it, and we can predict with some certainty what we will be doing in one year or six months because it is very similar to what we were doing one year ago.

But what if you feel like you are doing something you aren’t meant to be doing? What if you are someone you aren’t supposed to be?

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The Building of You

Be who I think you are, not who you want to be. Sound selfish?

Every day we decide who we want to be. Through repetition we develop habits and ways of portraying ourselves in the world.

The different personas that we assume become useful, a way for other personas to recognize us and for us to recognize them.

Those who are inconsistent in the portrayal of themselves are labelled moody, unpredictable, or even mentally ill. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are two common labels given to those who don’t appear as the same persona on a regular basis.

Our personalities are an act. In fact, those who have the ability to become someone who they are not are paid great amounts of money to entertain us. Actors such as Meryl Streep are able to become many different characters during a career, and they win awards and are admired by many.

For the rest of us though, it is inconvenient to others if you are constantly switching up who you appear to be.

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Take It Easy

Maybe it’s because I grew up in the country that when I am in nature, I always feel complete and total peace

Is it okay to just be okay?

It feels like everyone is rushing around educating themselves, promoting themselves, and working hard to achieve goals and dreams and wealth and status.

Is it ever okay though to just be content with a life of ease instead of achievement?

You can feel you are lazy if you aren’t working, raising a family, building a side hustle, gaining clout on social media, and being so busy you can’t even think about what you already have.

There is so much going on in the world right now. Everything is moving so quickly, it’s like being in the middle of a tornado feeling helplessly swept away while compelled to keep whirling at a high rate of speed.

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Ignoring Yourself

Yoga for the body, mind and soul. Do what you need to stay healthy

The body is such a wonderful thing. When everything is working well we don’t think about it a lot, assuming that it is doing whatever it needs to do. We don’t concern ourselves with much other than eating and how we look in our clothes.

It is a good thing that it is such an intricate creation. If we had to consciously orchestrate the myriad of processes that go on in every moment, we would be overwhelmed and would probably die. There is just that much going on at any given time.

Think about it. At the same time you are reading this, your body is digesting food, doing repairs, cells are dying and others are being born, and your defence system is on patrol, looking for anything harmful that needs to be destroyed.

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Your Biggest Fan

Finding someone who supports you is nice, but finding that from within is the best. My bestie Will always cheers me on!

Life can seem like such a struggle sometimes.

Just the day-to-day routine of work, family, managing a tight schedule, trying to take care of yourself and everyone else at the same time – it’s no wonder that so many of us are feeling overwhelmed and under appreciated.

It’s difficult to count on anyone to help you out, to ease things for you. No one knows exactly how you are feeling. Unfortunately most people have too much going on in their own lives to really care.

So you feel alone, surrounded by people and the busyness of life but somehow isolated at the same time.

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Everything Is Temporary

There will never be another moment like this one

Time is the big equalizer in this life.

It doesn’t matter how rich you are, or how beautiful or intelligent or strong, time will have its way with all of us.

It doesn’t matter what you do or who you are. This existence is temporary and that is what makes it special.

It isn’t often that we contemplate our own mortality. Death is feared, the young are celebrated, and the elderly are hidden away or pitied as we see that they are nearing the end of their journey here.

When you are young, you think it would be great to live forever. But when you think this way, you are also setting special conditions on what this eternal life would look like.

First, your body has to stay the same. You want to live forever but it has to be in a 25-year-old body.

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Fighting For What Isn’t Yours

Accepting and appreciating everything is a joyful way to live. I release all struggle and allow life to flow

There are two sides to the desire to get more. We are either content with what we already have and enjoy creating new things, or we are miserable and feel that we can find happiness in something outside of ourselves.

We are told that through hard work and incessant effort we can have or be anything we want. If we aren’t getting the results, we need to do more, to fight and struggle to get it.

Don’t stop until you get enough. Michael Jackson made that sentiment come alive in a catchy song.

But what is enough?

First you decide what you think it is that you want, the thing that will make you happy forever and ever. It might be finding your soulmate, getting fit, having a certain job or starting your own business. It could be any number of things, but the bottom line is that you have decided you need this in your life to be complete.

You believe that you aren’t already enough. Something needs to come into your life so you can be whole, and then you will be happy.

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Spending Time With You

This is the beach I walked in Puerto Rico for hours every day. There was nothing to do but be me

Do you ever take the time to be with yourself, with no distractions from anything electronic and no one else around you?

I have. It’s not easy at first, but it changed everything about me the more I did it.

It was necessary for me to travel to do this. That is why I spent so much time walking on beaches in various countries, thinking and not thinking at the same time.

I learned a lot about myself and about the world during those hours. It was a necessary part of my evolution and leaving the old me behind.

Not everyone has the luxury of losing the world to find themselves though. There are obligations, family responsibilities, and just the day-to-day negotiations that are a necessary part of living in society.

We have things to do, stuff to buy, money to make and kids to raise. We need to do more, get more, and be more than what we are right now.

Because apparently who we are just isn’t good enough. The funny thing is, it never will be.

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Mind Off, Creativity On

Beautiful Lake Ontario. It’s easy to allow creativity to flow when surrounded by nature’s perfection

Clarity comes through in the silence. Those wonderful moments of inspiration that come to all of us, when we know that we have stumbled on a good idea, are joyous moments indeed.

Then we don’t write down the idea, certain that we will remember it later and then of course having no recollection of what it was.

This happens to me in the middle of the night. I wake up and there it is, the best idea for something to write or a new business endeavour I could undertake. I go back to sleep knowing that this idea is brilliant.

In the morning, I wake up and it is gone.

I know I have written wonderful screenplays and novels in my sleep. Too bad no one else will get to see them because I have no recollection of what they were.

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Positive Expectations

We all came together in Costa Rica to become yoga teachers. We manifested the reality and I’m so glad we did!

The Secret was supposed to be the answer to all of our problems. If we just thought hard enough about what we wanted to see manifested in our lives, then we would easily attract all of our dreams.

How is that working for you?

There seems to be a new backlash now against the law of attraction, because so many of us tried manifesting and it didn’t work. When we looked out and didn’t see the new car in the driveway after a few months we figured it just wasn’t real.

Is it enough though to just visualize something that you want, repeating affirmations endlessly and the thing will magically show up?

There is something missing from how the law really works and what we were told to do.

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