Ignoring Yourself

Yoga for the body, mind and soul. Do what you need to stay healthy

The body is such a wonderful thing. When everything is working well we don’t think about it a lot, assuming that it is doing whatever it needs to do. We don’t concern ourselves with much other than eating and how we look in our clothes.

It is a good thing that it is such an intricate creation. If we had to consciously orchestrate the myriad of processes that go on in every moment, we would be overwhelmed and would probably die. There is just that much going on at any given time.

Think about it. At the same time you are reading this, your body is digesting food, doing repairs, cells are dying and others are being born, and your defence system is on patrol, looking for anything harmful that needs to be destroyed.

Your eyes and brain are turning these words into something meaningful, and if you are multilingual you could be reading in English while thinking in a different language.

Everything about our bodies is a miracle. From the time of conception, when one sperm wins the race over millions of others to get to the egg first, the process of growth begins. Cells divide, all coming from the same source and then magically turning into brain, liver, or nerve cells, or muscles, or becoming hard and ending up as bones and teeth. At some point our heart is formed, and then it begins to beat.

It will do that nonstop until we die.

There is nothing about this creation that isn’t awe-inspiring and somehow we take it for granted.

We can’t duplicate it. As intelligent as we think we are, no one has figured out how to grow a human yet. Cloning is a different subject because without the cells to start with you have nothing. Let’s hope the cloning of humans never becomes a reality anyways.

So you are living inside of a miracle. Do you treat it that way?

We are completely ignorant of the thousands of things going on simultaneously that keep us alive. The body has one goal – to achieve homeostasis. That means balance. Of everything it does, it wants to balance everything so you are in a state of wellness.

As intelligent as this system is, sometimes things go wrong.

Whether it is dealing with an issue we may have caused by lifestyle choices, or something completely out of our control, the body will attempt to get back to the state of balance. This is where we need to be more helpful.

If you are feeling physically drained and need to take stimulants to get through the day, you are becoming a big problem for your body. Ignoring the early signs that something isn’t quite right can turn into a disaster.

If you are always catching every cold that comes along, your immune system is compromised. This could be due to a lack of caring for yourself, not eating well or not getting enough rest. It likely means that your immune system is trying to put out so many fires at the same time that it is overwhelmed.

Heed the little signs, the aches and pains that are there for a reason. Taking drugs that are designed to mask symptoms is like having a friend tell you she has a problem and needs to talk to you and you put earplugs in.

The wisdom to heal is inherent in every body. There are certain things that the body is unable to fix completely, but there are many that it can.

Next time you are feeling a little off, or a little tired, don’t put earplugs in and ignore it.

Your best friend needs you and if you don’t listen now, things are very likely going to get worse.

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