The Joy of Releasing Negativity

I spent weeks on the beaches of Puerto Rico. The ocean never ceased to mesmerize me

Time to check in with yourself. Is everything good in this moment? Are you warm, fed, and feeling alright? At this exact moment, is everything okay?

If so, then there is nothing to worry about. If you are feeling anxiety, then you are projecting a negative possible future occurrence into the present moment.

You are creating your reality with thoughts of things you don’t want.

If everything is okay today, there is no reason to think that everything won’t be okay tomorrow. But let tomorrow take care of itself.

If things aren’t okay in this moment, then identify what the actual problem is and do something about it. If you can change the life situation, then do so. If you are unable to change it right in this moment, then for now accept it and begin to look for ways to remedy whatever the issue is.

This is truly the only time you can do anything about anything. You can reinvent yourself, change who you are to become who you want to be, and take control of your life. You can choose to eat healthy food or not, to engage with positive people or not, to accept where you are or not.

This moment is all that matters. There is nothing else, nor will there ever be. So ask yourself, are you okay right now?

If not, then take action. If you are in danger, take action to get away from it. If you are unhappy, identify why and do something to move in a different direction.

Worrying that your situation could change and become something you don’t want is unproductive. Anticipating negative outcomes is a trait that we are taught as children and it is a difficult habit to break. 

To try to keep us safe, adults tell us as children not to do something because this could happen, don’t talk to strangers because these horrible outcomes are possible, and so on.

While well-meaning, this unintentional fear mongering becomes a frame with which we reference all of life.

If I do this I could get hurt. If I don’t do this I will never get anywhere in life. The “if” propositions are almost always followed by worst-case scenarios. But none of it is real.

What if we reframe things to include the positive outcomes we wish to strive towards instead?

When we learn to move towards things, as opposed to running away from them, the brain becomes wired to look for positive outcomes. In every moment we begin to focus on what we want to have or do, as opposed to avoiding what could hurt us.

It makes more sense to look for what you want rather than to look for what you don’t want in the hope of avoiding it. You get what you look for, whether it is something you desire or something that frightens you.

So pay attention to what you think about.

Learn to disassociate from negativity and the anticipation of unwanted outcomes, and your brain will get very good at finding things that you desire. Your energy will attract to you whatever it is resonating with, whether it is positive or negative.

Stop the negativity before it becomes the dominating vibration of what you will then attract.

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