Be Who You Want to Be – Joy

There is joy to be found wherever you look

When you experience joy, it is truly unlike any other emotion. There is such a sense of freedom and clarity that comes with it, and the purity of the emotion brings peace and a sense of ease.

If we could feel joy in every moment, what a wonderful life it would be!

What stops us from feeling this way? Mostly it is the expectation that things should be different than how they are at the moment. There is a distance between where you are and where you wish to be.

If you could find joy in just being alive, then each day would be a success as soon as you opened your eyes. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful feeling?

Continue reading “Be Who You Want to Be – Joy”

The Joy of Releasing Negativity

I spent weeks on the beaches of Puerto Rico. The ocean never ceased to mesmerize me

Time to check in with yourself. Is everything good in this moment? Are you warm, fed, and feeling alright? At this exact moment, is everything okay?

If so, then there is nothing to worry about. If you are feeling anxiety, then you are projecting a negative possible future occurrence into the present moment.

You are creating your reality with thoughts of things you don’t want.

If everything is okay today, there is no reason to think that everything won’t be okay tomorrow. But let tomorrow take care of itself.

If things aren’t okay in this moment, then identify what the actual problem is and do something about it. If you can change the life situation, then do so. If you are unable to change it right in this moment, then for now accept it and begin to look for ways to remedy whatever the issue is.

Continue reading “The Joy of Releasing Negativity”


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Is it even possible to be content anymore? It seems that as soon as we achieve one goal in life, we instantly move on to the next one.

The question is, is that a good thing or a bad one?

It all depends on your point of view. If the constant striving is driven by a feeling of not having or being enough, then it can be a problem.

If you aren’t able to enjoy what you already have and are constantly envious of what others possess, then the striving will never be enough.

You will always feel empty inside.

If, on the other hand, you chase after goals because you enjoy the process and do it because it challenges you, then that is perfect! Life isn’t meant to ever stop, and by moving in the direction of the things we want we can find enjoyment in every day.

Write down five things you would like to have. It could be more money, a new house or car, a relationship, whatever you think would make your life happier or more complete.

Now look at the list and decide what emotion drives each of the desires. If you want more money, is it because you want to buy things, or you want the security that money can bring? Or is it because you think it will make you happy?

Find out what motivates you. Now find out if you can have the feeling without the thing you are chasing after.

Can you be happy without the money? Can you be satisfied without a new relationship? The key is to find the emotion without needing something outside of yourself to fulfill it.

When you can do that, you are truly free in this world and there is nothing you can’t do, be, or have!

Get Addicted to Happiness

Yoga Teacher Graduation Day, Costa Rica

Some days are more challenging than others. Some lives are more challenging than others. Everyone has a story, something that makes their life experience unique to them.

Make the most of your story. Choose to make the most of your life.

Five Things to Do Every Morning to Increase Joy

  1. Wake up early  Allow yourself time to accomplish goals by going to bed early and getting the sleep you need. You can’t win the morning if you are running on empty.
  2. Express gratitude  Sitting in meditation is one way to access a state of gratitude, but you can also take 5-10 minutes and just think about all of the things you are grateful for. This practice will change your life quickly.
  3. Exercise  Do something to connect with your body and get it going first thing. This could be yoga, going to the gym, jogging, or going for a walk. Appreciate the body as the vehicle that moves you through life and don’t neglect it.
  4. Prioritize the day  Know what important tasks lie ahead, and figure out which ones you need to do and what you can delegate or dismiss. You are one person – attend to the things that only you can do. Run your life as your business and be the boss of yourself.
  5. Smile  Stop taking yourself so seriously! Remember that nothing and no one you see will matter in 100 years. Live your life as though you won’t be here forever – because you won’t. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. 

Even if you have challenges, appreciate that you are alive and be grateful for the air you breathe and the opportunity to be the captain of your own ship. Make decisions in every moment that propel you towards your goals, and don’t waste time on things that don’t matter. And remember, most of the things we spend our time thinking about and worrying over don’t matter.

Be healthy, be happy, and be whole. Be the kind of person who everyone wants to be around, not the person who no one can stand.

Be the best you in all ways, always.