The Joy of Releasing Negativity

I spent weeks on the beaches of Puerto Rico. The ocean never ceased to mesmerize me

Time to check in with yourself. Is everything good in this moment? Are you warm, fed, and feeling alright? At this exact moment, is everything okay?

If so, then there is nothing to worry about. If you are feeling anxiety, then you are projecting a negative possible future occurrence into the present moment.

You are creating your reality with thoughts of things you don’t want.

If everything is okay today, there is no reason to think that everything won’t be okay tomorrow. But let tomorrow take care of itself.

If things aren’t okay in this moment, then identify what the actual problem is and do something about it. If you can change the life situation, then do so. If you are unable to change it right in this moment, then for now accept it and begin to look for ways to remedy whatever the issue is.

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