Learning to Live In My Lane

When you need a little help from a friend to get where you want to go, just ask!

When did I get to be so bossy?

I heard myself telling someone what they absolutely had to do to lose weight, to feel better, to live a much more fantastic life like I was, and then it hit me…

I was acting like a preacher and I never wanted to be one!

The truth is, everyone is unique, as different as a snowflake, and there is no one-size-fits-all plan. Especially when it comes to physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

I’m not you, you’re not me, and that is how it’s meant to be.

So why do we fall into the trap of believing that when we solve our own problems, we have uncovered the secrets of the universe, the Holy Grail, the “this will work for everyone in the world because I discovered it and it works for me!” mindset?

For me it was because after years of suffering, I finally found some things that worked. I know what it’s like to feel sick, to suffer from pain, indigestion, insomnia, and to just not feel well. Through years of studying, trying different things, and remembering what worked and what didn’t, I was able to get through all of the tough times and come out on the other side feeling good.

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You need to be confident when you wear a hat like this! – Photo credit MrWillWong.com

Having confidence in yourself can mean the difference between accomplishing everything you want or never getting your dreams off the ground.

It can be elusive, easily swayed and is impossible to force upon yourself. But like any other skill, confidence can be learned.

Confidence grows when it is nurtured. It must be encouraged, coaxed along gently until it becomes an unshakeable force. Once you have confidence, you can achieve so much more than if you continue hiding under an umbrella of insecurity.

It is during our formative years that confidence either builds or never gets a chance to take root. Like a seedling just popping out of the ground, if it is squashed early in its development it may never recover, at least not by itself.

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Get What You Want

Reach for the sky – it doesn’t hurt to try!

When I ask people what their number one health goal is, most say that they want to lose weight.

Almost immediately after saying this, they go on to provide at least three reasons why they can’t. It’s usually something like I’m too stressed, I don’t have time to cook, I like food too much, or I hate exercise.

When your reasons not to do something are much stronger than your reasons why you could do something, you have no chance. Zero. As in, don’t even try because there’s no way it will happen.

The reasons you make up either move you towards a goal, or away from it. You give yourself permission to either continue the behaviour that got you to where you are in the first place, or to make the changes necessary.

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Stress Less

Yoga with friends in Costa Rica – if only every day could start like this!

I am always curious to hear how people deal with stress. It is, after all, one of the most important things we need to manage in today’s world.

Excess stress can affect your health in so many ways. Left unchecked, it can cause multiple health problems including high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.

The mental toll is notable also. Frequent insomnia, headaches, and the inability to focus on simple tasks can be traced back to stress as the cause.

It would be simple to say that we need to eliminate stress in our lives, but realistically that isn’t going to happen. That is why managing it and finding outlets for its release are crucial for staying healthy.

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Stack the Odds

A day at the races, a chance to trust intuition and bet some winners!

I have a healthy respect for odds. Coming from a gambling background, I know how important it is to get the odds in your favour.

This isn’t about gambling though, but it could be. These are just some thoughts about life.

Five Ways To Stack the Odds In Your Favour

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I can climb anything I want – just tell me I can’t!

Tell me I can’t do something and you inspire me to try my best, to continue fighting for it even if I have my own doubts that I can accomplish it.

This has always been a motivator for me.

I remember when I was learning to golf, someone said I should hit off of the ladies’ tees, or forward tees or red tees or whatever we call them now, because I couldn’t hit the ball very far.

I refused. I stood at the normal tee box and hit the ball.

It went about as far as the ladies’ tee box.

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Just Do Your Best

Nature never holds back. Neither should you

Were you ever told to do your best when you were growing up? It’s a phrase that is thrown around randomly, and most of the time it is said to a child because he actually isn’t that good at what he is attempting to do.

“Just do your best honey,” is the parental equivalent of, “Yes you are terrible but if that’s all you have to give, then it’s good enough,”

One of my all-time favourite books is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Every agreement is simple and yet so powerful that mastering even one could change your life in any number of ways.

The agreement I think that has the most power, at least for me, is the fourth one – Always do your best. Because that is changeable, isn’t it? One day my best could achieve everything I set my mind to, and another day my best might be just enough to cope and survive.

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Some path, somewhere in Costa Rica. Leading where? I have no idea…

I often marvel at how a single moment in time can change the course of a life completely.

It could be an accident, a phone call, a chance meeting with someone, or finally saying out loud to someone what you have wanted to say.

That’s how powerful each moment can be.

I remember lots of moments like this in my life. Like telling someone I had been with for years that I was leaving, building up the courage to say out loud what I had rehearsed so many times until it was finally screaming inside of my mind so loud that the words had to come out.

Of course the words didn’t come out the way I wanted them to. All of the rehearsal was a waste of time, because nothing went according to script.

Continue reading “Desire”


Yes, sometimes cupcakes work just fine…

Find what works for you.

I find myself writing and saying that a lot as I navigate through the world as a holistic health coach.

Because ultimately, however great the advice is, if it doesn’t work for you then it doesn’t work for you.

That is why there are so many options in life. Take food for instance. Nuts and seeds are very good for you, and ought to be included in your diet in some form every day. But if you have allergies, then you need to be careful not to go against your own body.

If you can’t eat walnuts then maybe you can eat pecans. If you can’t have tree nuts at all, then perhaps sunflower seeds are okay.

The issue I have with social media and the proliferation of website experts is their one size fits all, rather cavalier attitude towards recommending that we all follow a certain diet or lifestyle.

Continue reading “Discovery”


A rock more permanent than me, but still not for eternity…

The need for security and continuity is real. It’s funny how easy it is to go on autopilot and not think about the actions we perform on a daily basis.

As I spend more time living in the moment, I am acutely aware of how my body takes me through a routine that developed through the years to get me ready for the day ahead. From waking up, going to the gym, showering and dressing, most of the routine is performed with very little conscious thought.

I’m starting to change that.

I am intentionally drying myself when I get out of the shower in a different manner, putting my shoes on with the foot I don’t normally do first, and making breakfast a little differently every day. While these actions seem simple enough, they are assisting me as I move towards a more conscious life.

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