
Some path, somewhere in Costa Rica. Leading where? I have no idea…

I often marvel at how a single moment in time can change the course of a life completely.

It could be an accident, a phone call, a chance meeting with someone, or finally saying out loud to someone what you have wanted to say.

That’s how powerful each moment can be.

I remember lots of moments like this in my life. Like telling someone I had been with for years that I was leaving, building up the courage to say out loud what I had rehearsed so many times until it was finally screaming inside of my mind so loud that the words had to come out.

Of course the words didn’t come out the way I wanted them to. All of the rehearsal was a waste of time, because nothing went according to script.

But once the words were out, the discussion began. Or the yelling, I don’t really remember now exactly how it went. But the decision was made, the words were said, and that was it. It was out there.

It was exactly the right thing for me, but it was scary as hell.

It is so final – once you say something out loud, there is no going back, you can’t unring a bell and all of that good stuff. Poetic, true, and paralyzing at the same time.

I think that’s why so many people never say the words they want to say. It’s less frightening to stay where they are than to make the decision that will alter the trajectory of life in that moment.

It’s how the years tend to go by and we can find ourselves more and more resigned to life as it is, and not how we would like it to be.

Desire is an interesting thing. It’s not a strong word, not nearly as powerful as having or needing to do something. I would like to change, but I don’t want to do the work. That is a desire that involves no accountability, no follow-through, and no effort.

I would like to lose weight, but I don’t want to change the way I eat. I would like to exercise, but I don’t really feel like it.

“I would like to…” followed by any statement is really just letting ourselves off the hook.

Now turn that into “I am going to lose weight” and it has some power behind it. The next thought would be, “What do I need to do to accomplish that?”

Now you can gather momentum by thinking about a plan.

Saying you desire something is not the same as saying you are going to have something. Never doubt the power of words to change your life in a moment.

Check in with your thoughts as these are the words you say to yourself all day long. What we think becomes who we are.

Who do you desire to be today?

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