
I can climb anything I want – just tell me I can’t!

Tell me I can’t do something and you inspire me to try my best, to continue fighting for it even if I have my own doubts that I can accomplish it.

This has always been a motivator for me.

I remember when I was learning to golf, someone said I should hit off of the ladies’ tees, or forward tees or red tees or whatever we call them now, because I couldn’t hit the ball very far.

I refused. I stood at the normal tee box and hit the ball.

It went about as far as the ladies’ tee box.

I didn’t care though. I continued to hit from the longer tees, and by the end of the round I was getting better.

I guess I never cared much when someone told me I couldn’t do something.

Some people are paralyzed by thoughts of potential failure, so much so that they won’t even try something new. They allow the potential negative judgment of someone else to steer their life.

Why would we ever give our own power away like that?

Remember that when you are guessing what other people are going to say, you are simply voicing your own negativity through an imagined third party.

It is your own inner voice that is stopping you, not what you think someone else might say.

What if you changed the narrative and became your own biggest cheerleader? Is it possible to instantly reframe our thinking in ways that support us, instead of berating ourselves until we don’t want to attempt anything?

Try this. Right now, I want you to think of a pink elephant. Don’t worry about why he is pink, he just is. Put him by a riverbank with a bunch of normal grey elephants, just there being his pink self, totally unaware that he is different and living his life because that’s what elephants do.

The purpose of this exercise? To demonstrate that no matter what was going on in your mind, you were able to turn your thoughts toward a ridiculous pink elephant out there doing his thing.

You can change your thoughts at any moment into anything you choose. This is where your greatest power to seize control of your life lies.

Take control of the inner narrative and the outer circumstances will begin to change before your eyes. Everything in this world began with a thought before it was manifested into the world of our senses.

What you think about you create, and this power must not be taken lightly. Don’t think about what you don’t want. Think only of what you do want.

Manifest your reality from the inside out, the only way that it can truly happen.

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