Today Is the Day

Someone decided to build the CN Tower years ago. Turned out to be a great idea

This isn’t just another day. At least, it doesn’t have to be.

Today can be the day that changes everything. It can be the day you look back at as the moment when you took control of life.

In this moment you can decide to support who you want to be and stop fighting it. You have the power to do it; it all begins with a single decision.

What is the one thing that you want more than anything else that you keep putting off? 

Fear is the reason we don’t move forward. Feeling safe with the known, we don’t allow ourselves to explore, to dream and become bigger and better than we already are.

We get very good at making excuses. We decide that we are too old, or that all of the good jobs are taken, or there are no good single people left to meet.

What you look for is what you will always find. It can be no other way. The very thing you want could walk right under your nose, but if you are looking for the absence of it then it will never catch your eye.

Who is to say what is possible and what is impossible? To say something is too difficult, or too unattainable, or just too far out of reach is to eliminate any possibility of bringing it into your world.

Dead on arrival – that is what your dreams are when you think in terms of excuses. 

Instead of looking for evidence to support your belief that you can’t do something, change your focus and find examples of success. Find someone who is doing what you would like to do and then copy them. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as you aren’t stealing their ideas. Copy the general blueprint of what they do and make it your own.

Becoming very clear about what you wish to attain is the most important part of this. Then assuming the identity of the person you need to be to achieve what you want is the next.

Let’s say you want to be a writer. There are many books written by popular authors that detail their process and how they do what they do. Find one that resonates with you and then mimic it. Do what they do to become what they represent to you.

If you want to be fit and healthy, seek out someone of a similar age and body type to you and see what is possible. See yourself clearly as having the ability to be what they are, and act accordingly. Get off the couch, start moving around more, find an activity that you enjoy, and start to eat like a healthy, fit person eats. Copy the behaviour that will bring you the result.

You want to get a job. Don’t declare with all certainty that there are no jobs out there. Looking for something that you know doesn’t exist is ridiculous. When you begin to appreciate that what you look for is what you will find, then you can recognize that you need first to believe that it exists.

Some people spend their entire lives wishing and hoping, without actually doing. Dreams are nice, but without action they will never assume reality in the physical. 

Every idea, everything that exists, all that you see when you look around you began as an idea. Then someone took action. They believed that they could create what was in their minds into a physical form.

They never gave up. Electricity, personal computers, airplanes, telephones, space travel, electric cars – all of it was an idea whose time had come. None of it came without a lot of trial and error, but one thing threads them all together – there was someone who believed that it could be done.

They saw in their minds what they wanted to create. 

You have this power too. Make today the day you become very clear as to what you want, and then go about the business of figuring out how to accomplish it.

You are beyond needing to wonder if it is possible. Act as though it is a certainty and then begin from there.

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