Today Is the Day

Someone decided to build the CN Tower years ago. Turned out to be a great idea

This isn’t just another day. At least, it doesn’t have to be.

Today can be the day that changes everything. It can be the day you look back at as the moment when you took control of life.

In this moment you can decide to support who you want to be and stop fighting it. You have the power to do it; it all begins with a single decision.

What is the one thing that you want more than anything else that you keep putting off? 

Fear is the reason we don’t move forward. Feeling safe with the known, we don’t allow ourselves to explore, to dream and become bigger and better than we already are.

We get very good at making excuses. We decide that we are too old, or that all of the good jobs are taken, or there are no good single people left to meet.

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