The Basics For Feeling Great: Sleep

The power of sleep – we all need it!

We all have those nights where sleep just won’t come. Usually it is around a time when we have decisions to make, or we feel out of control in some way. The mind just won’t shut off and let us rest!

Of course, this then makes the situation worse because we can’t make good decisions when we are tired and grumpy.

We take sleep for granted in some ways, but string together a couple of nights where it is elusive and we quickly remember how vital it is to everything we do. We just can’t function at our best without it.

Natural remedies can help and are worth a try. Here are the five I like the most that have worked for me.

Five Natural Sleep Remedies

  1. Lavender. The soothing fragrance can help relax you enough that you can turn off the mind and get some rest. Dilute lavender essential oil in a bit of alcohol and water and put it into a spritzer. Spraying a little on your pillow can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep.
  2. Magnesium. Important in the regulation of melatonin and a multitude of other body functions, this mineral is often lacking in the diet. It can be taken as a supplement but is also available in many foods, including dark chocolate. Just saying…
  3. Chamomile tea. A remedy that tastes good and can actually help you to relax, chamomile has been steeped for many years and lots of people find that it works. It contains an antioxidant called apigenin that binds to receptors in the brain, helping to reduce anxiety, thus allowing you to sleep.
  4. Meditation. Turning off the TV and phone and spending a few minutes focusing on the breath before bed can calm you enough to allow you to get the rest you need. Don’t use the time to think about everything you need to do the next day, use it to turn off thoughts and find a sense of calm.
  5. Exercise. The body needs to move, and having an active lifestyle can enhance your ability to rest at night. Even a daily walk can make a big difference. As long as rigorous exercise is not performed too close to bedtime, the exercise you get during the day can make for a much more peaceful night.

Never underestimate the importance of sleep. It is the time when the body heals and repairs itself, and it is one of the foundations of good health.

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