#100 Learn Something New

A tree in Australia that was looking at me. Keep your eyes open and never stop learning

It’s easy to learn new things every day. All you need to do is search on the internet for a subject that interests you and then read about it. There are online courses that you can take if you want to really dive into something, or you can just quickly get the facts and move on. Either way, it keeps your mind active, opens you up to new viewpoints, and allows you to stay on top of the latest research.

Check the sources though. Just because something is written or published doesn’t always mean that it is true. Check the qualifications of the source and consult more than one to be sure that what you are reading isn’t just someone’s opinion. 

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Be Who You Want to Be – Allowing

Yup – allowed this to happen! (Toronto, Ont Woodbine Racetrack August 23 2014 Jeff Bratt and Dawn Lupul get drenched with ice water. WEG/michael burns photo)

Sometimes things just seem so clear. When it is someone else’s situation, it is so easy to know exactly what they are doing wrong and how they can fix it.

When it comes to ourselves, though, it is a different story.

The funny thing is, we all need to make our own decisions and learn from the consequences. If someone is constantly telling us what we should do and how we should act, then the valuable lessons are never received.

Parents do this with children, and for the most part it is necessary. Trying to limit the amount of physical harm they do to themselves is good parenting, but at the same time lessons can be learned much more quickly when some things are allowed to happen. 

As in, you only touch a hot stove once.

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