Self-Care and Ways to Fit It In

Luxury enjoyed after three weeks in the jungle of Costa Rica living in a hostel

You don’t have to go on a seven-day spa retreat in order to give yourself some much deserved self-care. Although that would be nice of course!

There are many things you can do from the comfort of your own home that will go a long way towards ensuring that you are taking care of yourself when you need it most.

Here are five easy ways to add a little self-care into your busy life..

1) Meditate. Spend between 10 and 20 minutes sitting in silence, allowing your body and mind to rest. There are many apps that can help if you find it difficult to quiet the mind. If you find that you always fall asleep while doing this, your body is telling you that it isn’t getting enough rest at night. Make getting more sleep a priority.

2) Eat healthy. Fill your fridge with vegetables that you enjoy and then use them. Have a big fruit bowl on the counter that will entice you as soon as you walk in the door. By providing your body with the fuel it needs to repair and rejuvenate, you are caring for yourself in the most important way possible.

3) Go for a walk. Getting outside and breathing in fresh air does wonders for the mind and the body. The best time to do this is right after you eat. The gentle walk can assist the body with digestion and keeps you out of the kitchen. Eating more when you aren’t really hungry is unproductive and inhibits the body from working efficiently.

4) Use a foam roller. This is an inexpensive item that you can have available to use while watching TV or listening to podcasts. They are very effective at working out the kinks and will make your body feel much better.

5) Read. Make it something you enjoy, an indulgence for the mind. Whether you like fiction, autobiographies, or self-help books, there is a way to make reading an enjoyable pastime. Turn the TV off, make a cup of tea, and indulge in what seems to be a guilty pleasure but is actually very beneficial.

Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be difficult or cost a lot of money. It’s knowing that you are worth a little extra effort and then taking the time to do something that’s just for you.

There will be lots of time to take care of everyone else! When you feel your best, you can give your best.

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