My Christmas Wish List

Do you see his sleigh?

Dear Santa, I know that you are busy today but I want to ask for a few things. They aren’t necessarily for me, but I guess they are because I would be happy if you gave these gifts to everyone.

First, I want everyone to know that they aren’t alone. No matter how bad things seem there is always someone else who cares. Santa, help them to find a way to reach out and ask for the help they need. Give them hope that tomorrow has the potential of being much brighter than what they see around them today.

Next, Santa, could you help women to find the strength inside not to allow anyone to take advantage of them? Everything in society is so sexualized right now and some women are losing themselves in it. Teach them dignity and give them a way to get away from abuse and exploitation.

I know the men out there deserve lots from you too Santa. Give them the gift of acceptance and knowing that they don’t need to be millionaires or own fancy cars to be valuable. Help them find the riches within and to be content with all that they already have. Also teach them that sensitivity and being thoughtful is more powerful than arrogance and being a bully.

For the animals, Santa, I would like them to have the ability to live the lives they deserve. Life of all kinds is precious, and I would be ever so grateful if you could help ease the suffering felt by so many. Show the people around all the beautiful creatures of the world that they should be treated with dignity and love.

Peace and love, Santa, those are two big ones. If you can help all of us to treat each other the way we wish to be treated, then so many problems would disappear instantly. Right now there is so much greed and jealousy and hatred in so many parts of the world, and none of it is necessary. 

The earth deserves the biggest gift you have in your sleigh Santa. Human actions have changed the way the planet functions, and although I don’t know, I have a suspicion that it might not be heading in a positive direction. You probably know what the earth needs better than me, so give it whatever you think is appropriate. Keep us from doing harm that might not be reversible.

I guess it all boils down to one thing Santa – love. Love for the world, the animals, each other and ourselves is the best gift you can give. Love will change everything into the best version of what it can be.

Santa, I love you and the hope that you bring to so many on this day. Please keep giving your gifts every other day too.

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