#47 Feel the Love

Love the unexpected rainbow against a dark cloud

Love and gratitude are closely related emotions, and both are extremely effective in improving our physical and mental health in a multitude of ways. For some reason we tend to focus on what we feel is lacking in our lives or what we don’t like. Turn this day into one where you notice all that is right and declare your love for all of the things that you encounter.

Life will happen no matter what your perspective of it is. You can feel pleasant and appreciative inside, or you can feel bitter and persecuted. You own your thoughts, and by learning to focus on feeling love you can change your internal chemistry and feel much better about the world around you.

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My Christmas Wish List

Do you see his sleigh?

Dear Santa, I know that you are busy today but I want to ask for a few things. They aren’t necessarily for me, but I guess they are because I would be happy if you gave these gifts to everyone.

First, I want everyone to know that they aren’t alone. No matter how bad things seem there is always someone else who cares. Santa, help them to find a way to reach out and ask for the help they need. Give them hope that tomorrow has the potential of being much brighter than what they see around them today.

Next, Santa, could you help women to find the strength inside not to allow anyone to take advantage of them? Everything in society is so sexualized right now and some women are losing themselves in it. Teach them dignity and give them a way to get away from abuse and exploitation.

I know the men out there deserve lots from you too Santa. Give them the gift of acceptance and knowing that they don’t need to be millionaires or own fancy cars to be valuable. Help them find the riches within and to be content with all that they already have. Also teach them that sensitivity and being thoughtful is more powerful than arrogance and being a bully.

For the animals, Santa, I would like them to have the ability to live the lives they deserve. Life of all kinds is precious, and I would be ever so grateful if you could help ease the suffering felt by so many. Show the people around all the beautiful creatures of the world that they should be treated with dignity and love.

Peace and love, Santa, those are two big ones. If you can help all of us to treat each other the way we wish to be treated, then so many problems would disappear instantly. Right now there is so much greed and jealousy and hatred in so many parts of the world, and none of it is necessary. 

The earth deserves the biggest gift you have in your sleigh Santa. Human actions have changed the way the planet functions, and although I don’t know, I have a suspicion that it might not be heading in a positive direction. You probably know what the earth needs better than me, so give it whatever you think is appropriate. Keep us from doing harm that might not be reversible.

I guess it all boils down to one thing Santa – love. Love for the world, the animals, each other and ourselves is the best gift you can give. Love will change everything into the best version of what it can be.

Santa, I love you and the hope that you bring to so many on this day. Please keep giving your gifts every other day too.

Love and Fear

The sheer beauty of nature

Dropping all expectations and living in the moment leads to peace of mind and a blissful existence.

When every moment is taken for what it is and the mind is not creating stories around it, the beauty of presence and the wonderment of this incarnation shines through.

It is enough. It is perfect.

The mind is such an intricate creation, beautiful and mad at the same time. It is used to dream and to torture, to explore and to persecute. It does this to itself, and it is quite psychotic.

Releasing thoughts and remaining keenly aware and present without the endless judging and categorizing leads to a freedom unknown in common times.

This existence will end. It could end in the next breath, or the one after. It could end decades from now. Most certainly, though, it will end.

The span of life covers a small moment in time, a single breath in the field of eternity. The scope of this life is tiny, inconsequential, in a universe of multiple dimensions and existences. 

All is unimportant, and yet all means everything. Thoughts take one away from living, mesmerizing us to exist in worlds that are false.

The only real thing is love. If it is not love, it is fear and it is false. The two cannot exist at the same time.

To love all in every moment is the real life. Releasing expectations and demands allows the love to shine through, enhancing the existence and everything that comes into contact with it.

The anchor is the breath. To become keenly aware in every moment of the breath brings awareness to what is. Thoughts take the awareness on a journey of what is not. It is a fantasy.

If thoughts can be accepted as being fantasy, then the endeavour is either to release all thoughts or use them to create a glorious fantasy. Negative thoughts are not necessary.

Experiences come and go, and they are neither good nor bad – they just are. The opportunity for education exists in every experience, and when the mind is taken out of the equation the experience is allowed to unfold as it must. After the unfolding, the messages become clear and the learning is complete. 

After that, it is on to the next.

Trying to force a situation to unfold in a certain way is like trying to force a rose to bloom. It is impossible and destructive. Releasing the experience to be what it is promotes freedom, clarity, and peace.

This is the ultimate goal of this existence. Every moment is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Acceptance is the key, and freedom is found on the other side of the door. Freedom, and bliss and a joy not found in common waking hours in a world that has gone insane.

Love is all there is, fear is false, and thoughts are mere tools used to achieve bliss.

Do you choose to be blissful today?