Leave Fear Behind

No need to fear when you keep good company – here with the friendly police officers of Costa Rica

 At the root of the inability to move towards your dreams lies fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of criticism – these can be paralyzing when you need to take action to accomplish your goals.

Scientists say that we are born with only two fears – the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. All of our other fears are learned.

Depending on the circumstances that surrounded you as a child, you may have learned fears that have become so deep-rooted that they affect every decision you make in life.

This realization of what drives us from a subconscious level can be the key to opening up the vault to all of your dreams.

If you grew up in a home where there was scarcity, then this can become the driving force behind all of your actions. Depending on how you process it, it can be the biggest motivator for you to achieve success or the biggest reason why you accept failure.

If you grew up in a situation where all of your basic needs were met but there was no love in the house, then you may spend your entire life looking for love or avoiding it entirely. Again, it all depends on how you frame it.

While it can be revealing to understand what is at the root of our behaviours, as adults we do not have to accept the conditioning of childhood as limiting factors on all that we can achieve.

We all have stories. They are all history. We do not have to be defined by where we came from.

Accessing the subconscious and reprogramming the mind at that level can free us from our own self-imposed limitations and allow us to achieve at a high level.

By noticing our thoughts and how we speak to ourselves all day long, we can begin to unravel the internal programming of which we may be unaware.

Deep within us lies the ability to accomplish everything we want. When you have a dream, you also have the skills to realize it. If you are honest with yourself and get clear about what it is you want, then there are no limitations on what you can achieve.

Allowing fear to paralyze us is one of the biggest mistakes we can make. Our time here is limited, and the path to regret Is paved by a life lived in fear.

Move in the direction of your goals. Do what it takes every day to realize what it is that you want to accomplish. Make a contribution to the world and to others. Your goals don’t need to be self-serving, although you should be comfortable in their achievement.

Doing something just for the sake of money never brings satisfaction, while giving to others and helping them to reach their goals always will.

Leave fear behind. It isn’t real, and it will rob you of living the life you are here to live.

By finding out what your real dreams are and going after them, you may surprise yourself by who you really are.

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