#96 Celebrate Your Greatness

A Komodo dragon basking in his greatness. He is successful because he exists – and so are you

Have you ever tried to teach a dog how to perform a trick? Rewarding the behaviour that you are trying to elicit is the quickest way to achieve success. By letting the dog know when he is doing something right, it doesn’t take long before he understands what you want and is able to perform the new task consistently. Children are also constantly seeking approval, and by encouraging them when they are learning how to navigate life is the easiest way to teach them what is expected.

Just because we aren’t young anymore doesn’t mean that this doesn’t work for us too. Actually, celebrating on a regular basis sets us up to look for more things to appreciate. Don’t only celebrate the big goals. Learn to celebrate the small things in life and it will foster a sense of confidence and joyfulness within.

Action – We spend a lot of time chiding ourselves for all of the things that we should be doing but aren’t. It can be overwhelming and frustrating when you start comparing your life to the lives of others. Other people seem happier, fitter, richer and more successful. It’s easy to ferret out examples of people who you think are doing better than you and then feel bad that you aren’t doing as well. This can lead to a depressing spiral that steals your confidence and stifles any desire to make positive changes.

First, stop comparing yourself with anyone else. Use the power of gratitude to get yourself back on the right track. Wherever you are right now, you have done a lot of things right. By beginning to notice what is going well instead of all of the things you don’t like, you can build a healthier attitude and start to enjoy all of the successes you have already achieved.

Steps – Look around and see what is there. The fact that you are alive and here for another day is already a success to be celebrated. With each new day comes the opportunity to live life to the fullest, and no matter what circumstances you find yourself in, take solace in the fact that things can change very quickly. If you can’t find much to be grateful for, then be grateful that you are alive. That’s a big one.

Spend five minutes in the morning celebrating the air that you are breathing, the body that carries you around, and the food that nourishes you. Give thanks for the brain that processes all of the experiences in your life, and is able to come up with ideas that can help you and those around you. Know that you are doing okay, and celebrate how unique and amazing that you are.

Why It Makes You Feel Better – The universe is constantly expanding, and this desire for expansion is in everything. It is why we are never completely satisfied with what we have achieved. It’s okay to want more, but it’s also important to be happy with what we already have. You have more to celebrate than you allow yourself to see. Your very existence is an accomplishment, so take time to appreciate it.

Example – Look for what is going right in your life. If you have a place to sleep where you feel safe, enough to eat so you aren’t hungry, clean air to breathe, and the freedom to decide how you want to move through the day, then you are already a big success. The rest is just details. Congratulate yourself for getting to where you are, no matter how challenging it has been. 

As long as you are here to spend another day, you can congratulate yourself and appreciate how wonderful that is. 

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