The Voice Within

Believe in the power that lies within, the intelligence that runs through everything

Life would be so much easier if we could see into the future, maybe even just a little bit, to help us make big decisions.

If I take that job, how will it turn out? If I get divorced, will I be happy or miserable? Should I move, stay, invest, divest, retire, switch careers, or drive a different way to work because there is going to be an accident up ahead?

Something that minimizes the uncertainty and helps us make better choices would be useful. If it was something that prevented us from experiencing the big hurts in life, then it would be most useful indeed.

Although we are here to experience many different things, both desirable and perhaps less so, there is a way to lessen the number of circumstances that seem to line up against us every day.

The voice within, the intuition, the gut feeling you get in the moment that gives you a feeling of what you should do or who you should trust – that is the helper that we all possess.

It’s not easy to hear this voice or sense these feelings all of the time. The world is a noisy place and our attention is pulled in many directions all at once. 

Sometimes we get so stubborn about continuing along a certain path that we blatantly ignore the warning signs that come from within, bullishly asserting our will and suffering the consequences when it is all over.

Then we look back and say, “I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.”

Gut feelings, or those thoughts we get that we tend to ignore, are the best friends we have. When you begin to pay attention to them, they will become more noticeable and obvious.

Learning to meditate, even if only for ten minutes a day, is a wonderful tool to enhance the ability to have access to an inner guidance system that is trustworthy. While it isn’t a crystal ball, it is a reliable guide that can save you from a lot of pain and anguish.

If you look back at the big events in your life you will often remember the moment when you had the feeling that something was going to happen. We all experience this in unique ways, so learning what your cues are by recognizing them and then paying attention to what happens is the key to developing this sense.

These intuitive feelings can manifest as goosebumps, tingles in your legs or around your head, a rolling feeling in your stomach, or as a strong emotion that wasn’t there a moment before. By accessing these nonverbal cues, you can begin to have more information at your fingertips with which to make key decisions.

Is someone trustworthy are or they trying to take advantage of you? Should you make a big decision now or wait until you know a little more about it?

All of these questions can be answered by tuning into the sensations you get as you think about them. Realizations often come when you aren’t thinking about the issue at all.

Watch for synchronicities that seem like messages. These could be songs on the radio, a billboard you pass by, or a book that catches your eye. The reason these things are clues is that you noticed them in the first place.

Something about them grabbed your attention. You pass by multiple signs, hear songs and see things on TV all of the time, but when one thing stands out there may be something more for you to learn from it.

We are equipped with many senses that enable us to function and to survive. Sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch are all valuable to us; life is more challenging if one of these is compromised. We can still function, but it is on a more limited scale.

By not paying attention and cultivating the inner sense of intuition that we all possess, we are neglecting one of the most powerful tools we have that enables us to live life in a state of ease and grace.

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