The Rest of the Sentence

We are happily drinking out of coconuts. I can’t hear what you think about me and I don’t care anyways

You can’t hear what other people are thinking. You hear what they say, but you don’t hear what they believe.

Allowing what someone else says to affect you in any way is taking a half-truth, or a complete lie, and accepting it as real. This make no sense.

If someone criticizes you, it will always have everything to do with them and nothing to do with you.

Someone says, “Oh he is so arrogant. I can’t believe how great he thinks he is.” The internal conversation that happens is likely along the lines of, “I wish I were more confident. I’m scared to do anything because I might fail.”

Understand this – happy people never say anything negative about someone else. They feel compassion towards others who are struggling and wish them well. They see no reason to kick someone when they are down.

Kindness is an inherent trait of the joyous soul. When asked for help, the happy people do what they can. They refrain from judging and are supportive and encouraging.

Even when others present different views to their own, they listen with interest and feel no need to make the other person wrong. They accept that no one knows everything and they are flexible in their opinions because they feel no need to be right.

So, if someone is capable of saying something hurtful to someone else, to sit back in judgment and spew condemnation at others, this is an unhappy person.

What they are giving to others, they are giving to themselves even more.

The mind can be a tortuous entity if left to run wild. Thoughts of inferiority or insecurity can affect the entire trajectory of your life. You may never reach your full potential because you are too critical of yourself to even try.

You will die with your gifts locked away inside of you, never shared with a world that needed everything you had to give. It’s a selfish thing to do.

We are here to work together toward the goal of awareness for all. The evolution of consciousness is taking place and you have a role to play in it. While there is a place for those who throw up roadblocks that enables awareness to quicken due to mass outrage, for the most part we are here to take the peaceful path and support each other.

First though, before you can become compassionate and help anyone else, you need to do this for yourself.

The negative self-talk has to stop.

What someone else says or thinks about you doesn’t matter. Most of the time we have no idea of what others think, but we make up stories in our minds of what it could be. We then use these stories to limit ourselves and the full expression of who we are. It’s so ridiculous as to be laughable.

The only critic who can hurt you is you. So stop it.

Identify those moments when you are marinating in negativity. There is no need for it and it serves no purpose.

If someone’s words or actions hurt you in the past, it doesn’t need to continue to punish you in the present. Let it go.

A gift given by someone and not received is a gift that goes back to the giver. When someone gives you unwanted advice or criticism, don’t accept it. It is meaningless as long as you truly believe in yourself.

People who hurt others are hurting themselves. They may appear to be confident and successful, but they are not. It is all a lie.

When something is rotten, you might be able to cover it up and make it look nice for awhile. It is still rotting on the inside.

Your belief about yourself is the only one that matters. Be the biggest cheerleader in your life and get out there and do what it is you need to do.

Success is the only option.

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