
Sun and sea, beauty and me, Costa Rica was the perfect balance of discovery

While we all know that it is important to reduce stress in our lives, how is it even possible in today’s world?

Between work, commuting, family, friends, unavoidable obligations and paying the bills, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of time left in the day to relax and tune out.

If only there were a way to squeeze more hours into the day!

Since that isn’t possible, what we can do is be more efficient during the hours we have. By minimizing time spent doing things that aren’t that important, we can maximize effectiveness with things that are.

First, figure out where your time goes. Take a calendar and mark out blocks as though they were appointments for things you do each day. Include time you spend commuting to work, the time at work, and all the other obligations you deal with.

Now see what is left. This will give you a good idea of how much pressure you are putting yourself under every day. Remember, we can only handle so much before we become overwhelmed, so this is important. Chronic stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, and that will affect the body in a very negative way.

Continue reading “Balance”

Do Less to Accomplish More

Slow and steady wins the race

Never in history has there been more doing and less being than there is now.

Between work, getting ahead, improving yourself, going to the gym, dealing with children, trying to have a social life, and binge-watching Netflix, you are busy. And you are stressed.

How is that working for you?

We were told that multi-tasking was the way to go, but research suggests that isn’t true. Doing multiple things at once often results in multiple things being done poorly.

So what to do? What if you were to give yourself the luxury of doing less, while feeling that you are getting more done?

It’s all about taking time to decide what is truly important. Although we feel like we should be able to do everything, sometimes you need to admit that it just isn’t working. It’s time to take back your life and do things that make your soul sing!

Five Ways to Find Time

  1. Analyze your calendar – Determine what takes up most of your free time outside of work and obligations. Figure out if there are a few of these things that aren’t all that important right now.
  2. Learn to say no – This is likely the most challenging thing on this list. If you say yes to everything, you are saying no to yourself. If it isn’t important to you, say no.
  3. Spend time alone – It is during these moments that you can reconnect with what you want in life, and remember what is truly important to you.
  4. Think from the end – Meaning, go to the end of your life. I have talked to many senior citizens, and not one told me they wish they had spent more time at work. Not one.
  5. Stop taking everything so seriously! – Sometimes you need to get real with yourself. Is what you are doing really that important? Will it matter to you ten years from now? If you were told you were going to die in a month, would it matter then?

“The trouble is you think you have time.” Although this quote may or may not actually be from the Buddha, it rings true nonetheless. Do what is necessary and do what is important to you. Figure out what is the difference between the two.

Use your time as though it were the most valuable thing you have. Because, after all, isn’t it?

Have a beautiful, peace-filled day.