Be Who You Want to Be – Happiness

It was impossible not to be happy in Costa Rica – just out there swimming with a friend

There are two ways to exist in this world. You can choose to be pleasant or you can choose to be miserable. If you are not able to be pleasant, then you have chosen misery.

The conditioning that we received as children that enabled us to fit into society also absolved us of the ability to recognize that we have the power to choose our thoughts and our emotions. We get very good at blaming others or outside circumstances for our unhappiness.

In other words, we don’t take responsibility for who we are and how we act.

By saying things like, “Oh, that’s just the way I am” or “I’ve always been this way,” we absolve ourselves of the ability to choose a different path. We lose our strength by giving our power away in this manner.

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I can climb anything I want – just tell me I can’t!

Tell me I can’t do something and you inspire me to try my best, to continue fighting for it even if I have my own doubts that I can accomplish it.

This has always been a motivator for me.

I remember when I was learning to golf, someone said I should hit off of the ladies’ tees, or forward tees or red tees or whatever we call them now, because I couldn’t hit the ball very far.

I refused. I stood at the normal tee box and hit the ball.

It went about as far as the ladies’ tee box.

Continue reading “Motivation”