Strength Hides Weakness

My yoga family! We came together to learn how to share the gift of yoga, and we found strength in ourselves through each other

Nothing is celebrated more than strength in our society. Whether it is physical or fiscal, strength and those who possess it are deemed successful and admired as people to emulate.

Outward strength never tells the whole story though. Very often, the inside of the strongest personas is weak and fragile. Bravado covers up insecurity.

There is perceived strength in numbers. People in groups are always much more confident than those who walk alone. Having status on social media platforms or as a public personality on television or in the media allows people to feel important, to have the ability to influence others in a multitude of ways.

It’s neither good nor bad. But it is important to remember that everything anyone does is a reflection of their own accumulated experiences and how they reference life.

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Your Biggest Fan

Finding someone who supports you is nice, but finding that from within is the best. My bestie Will always cheers me on!

Life can seem like such a struggle sometimes.

Just the day-to-day routine of work, family, managing a tight schedule, trying to take care of yourself and everyone else at the same time – it’s no wonder that so many of us are feeling overwhelmed and under appreciated.

It’s difficult to count on anyone to help you out, to ease things for you. No one knows exactly how you are feeling. Unfortunately most people have too much going on in their own lives to really care.

So you feel alone, surrounded by people and the busyness of life but somehow isolated at the same time.

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