Mind Off, Creativity On

Beautiful Lake Ontario. It’s easy to allow creativity to flow when surrounded by nature’s perfection

Clarity comes through in the silence. Those wonderful moments of inspiration that come to all of us, when we know that we have stumbled on a good idea, are joyous moments indeed.

Then we don’t write down the idea, certain that we will remember it later and then of course having no recollection of what it was.

This happens to me in the middle of the night. I wake up and there it is, the best idea for something to write or a new business endeavour I could undertake. I go back to sleep knowing that this idea is brilliant.

In the morning, I wake up and it is gone.

I know I have written wonderful screenplays and novels in my sleep. Too bad no one else will get to see them because I have no recollection of what they were.

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