I Just Want a Cookie

A two-cookie ice cream sandwich – I can get a lot done if this is the reward!

I have writing to do. The house needs to be cleaned. Then I have to get groceries, run errands, go through some boxes full of things I no longer need, and start to get my tax stuff together.

And all I want to do is sit here and eat a cookie.

What do you do when you don’t want to do anything? I can procrastinate as good as anyone, but I found something that works. I treat myself like the child that I am being by using the oldest trick in the book – bribery.

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Talk Yourself In, But Have a Way Out

I would have missed so many beautiful moments like this if I had talked myself out of running

I have a very solid exercise habit. Six days a week, after I have done my writing, I head out for a run or go to the gym. It’s a routine that I enjoy and one that I have stuck with for years.

Some mornings, though not very often anymore, I have a little discussion with myself. I am feeling lazy, or it’s windy out, and I try to talk myself out of going. I don’t know who this self-sabotaging person is, but I don’t like her.

I’ve learned an easy way to motivate myself when the little voice is trying to stop me. I give myself a way out.

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Failure and Why It’s the Best Thing That Can Happen

The infamous snow-yoga shoot. I failed a few times before I got the pose I wanted – and it was -20C!

None of us likes to fail.

We set out to achieve something, hoping that we will find instant success. Some things come naturally to us; others do not. Still, we try multiple things over the years and eventually hone in on a few that we enjoy.

If one measure of your success is that you don’t fail very often, then you aren’t challenging yourself enough.

With each failure comes the discovery of how not to do something. There is nothing right or wrong about the results that are produced – they either move you toward or away from the ultimate goal.

Each time you attempt something and it doesn’t work out, you have taken one step towards the achievement of what you are trying to do. You get a little closer every time.

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