
I walked this beach in Puerto Rico for hundreds of hours. I finally found what I was looking for

Sometimes I look back and retrace the path that led me to where I am today. While I don’t indulge in this behaviour all of the time, there are moments when I find it useful to remember how far I have come.

I used to believe that struggling and working hard were the necessary components to finding success. I now know that struggling and working hard only made me miserable.

When you begin to find clarity and a sense of purpose, it is amazing how things start to flow with a sense of ease. Circumstances beyond your control begin to align themselves to assist you with what you are doing.

Coincidences and synchronicity become a normal part of life.

Because my past conditioning is still so ingrained in my mind, I still find moments when I am thinking that I need to work harder. I stop myself now and remember that working smarter always trumps working harder.

I no longer believe that struggle paves the path to success.

Every important lesson I learned in life came after a period of intense struggle and hardship. For that reason I feel that what I went through was necessary, but I also know now that if I had been more aware and conscious that I could have achieved the same results without the struggle.

It took many weeks of isolating myself to come to these realizations. Spending countless hours walking on beaches watching nature unfold before me allowed me to learn to just let go.

I now understand that there is perfection in everything that is happening in every moment. Bringing this sense of ease to everything I do has made the doing not only more effective, but also much more enjoyable.

Clarity is the key. Becoming very clear about the direction you want to go enables circumstances to come together to assist you on your path. Staying very aware and noticing how you feel as you move forward Is crucial.

Sometimes what we think we want doesn’t end up being what we hoped it would be. There is nothing wrong with adjusting course and redefining your goals as you move along.

I now understand that in my greatest moments of turmoil, I was struggling to try to get something that wasn’t meant for me. With distance and clarity I see that now.

Although I still work hard, it doesn’t feel that way. I am doing what I love to do and hours can pass without me looking at a clock once. This is how I know I am on the right path.

The secret to success is to find the joy in life. Begin to do what makes you happy, and find a way to make that your vocation. There is always a way.

Struggling and resenting the present moment, wishing that it was something other than what it is, always guarantees more turmoil in the future. Find the ease in this moment and begin to allow life to unfold around you.

After hundreds of hours of walking on countless different beaches, I finally learned that there is nothing to get and nothing to become. There is only joy and love that makes every moment worth living.

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