Five Things to Do Today to Feel Better

A December sky over Toronto – you never know what you will see if you just look around!
  1. Be grateful about something. Look around and find anything to appreciate. Whether it is food in the fridge, a roof over your head, someone who cares about you, or even just the fact that you are breathing, be thankful for it. Being grateful puts you in a state of mind that allows room for happiness.
  2. Do something for someone else. Don’t expect anything in return. Hold the door open, let a car go in front of you, call someone who would love to hear your voice, or just smile. Doing for others takes us away from worrying about what we think life owes us.
  3. Go for a walk. Getting outside and enjoying fresh air is a productive use of time. It frees up your mind and makes you more focused when you get back to whatever it is you were doing. While you are walking, smile at someone and be thankful that you can walk.
  4. Declutter. Look around you and find something that needs to go. Give it away to someone who can use it, thus doing something for someone else at the same time. A decluttered space allows new energy to flow and can improve both your mood and your productivity.
  5. Eat something you enjoy without attaching any labels to it. Stop categorizing things as good or bad. Allow yourself the pure enjoyment of the moment and be thankful that you can appreciate the sensory experience of whatever it is you are having.

Be more present today and notice the energy that is flowing through and around you. In other words, be alive!

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