
Peaceful swan enjoying a cloudy day

The need to create is part of the human experience. Shutting ourselves off from this need is like restricting the flow of air into our bodies. It is mostly unproductive and unnecessary.

Creation doesn’t need to take the form of art, like painting or drawing. It can be dancing, singing, writing, dreaming, and listening. Creation comes forth when we are in the present, not lost in thought.

Dreams are beautiful moments of creation. They are freeing, unexpected, and completely spontaneous. They can be inspirational or frightening, freeing or enlightening. Dreams are the mind’s opportunity to let go and create without a filter.

The goal is to free the mind from the filter during waking moments and allow creation to flow freely. Censoring the creation before it is allowed to blossom is painful and limiting. The inner critic can be so harsh, and so unnecessary.

When a person is judgmental towards others and the world around him, it is a glimpse into the inner workings of his mind. The inner critic is alive and thriving in this person, and his thoughts are tortuous to himself. 

Inner criticism is like a poison that pollutes and harms from within.

Thoughts are our own unique representations of reality. They are chosen in each moment, and can be changed immediately. Bad thoughts or good thoughts all come from the same place, and we can learn to choose them more consciously. To constantly torture oneself with bad thoughts is hurtful and unnecessary.

The choice is there in every moment to experience peaceful thoughts, no matter what is going on in the immediate environment. If a situation is dangerous or unwanted, then steps can be taken in the moment to correct it as much as possible.

Every situation we experience is temporary and impermanent. It may be disturbing or painful, but it will not endure.

Making the choice to surround yourself with peacefulness and joy will attract the same energy into your experience. Thinking unpleasant thoughts attracts more negativity and perpetuates the unhappiness.

This incarnation is a mere breath in eternity. It can be a delightful one or a miserable one – that is the choice we make in every moment.

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