Complaining and Indecision

Why do I go away in the winter? Because I can. The beauty of Varadero, Cuba

It seems that every time I engage with old friends, the majority of the conversation focuses on complaining. Just the other day I was reading some messages from friends online, and one of the girls was bemoaning the fact that winter was coming.

Another of the girls, who is living in a warm climate, mentioned that she missed having changing seasons. She remembered how much she loved watching the leaves turn colour on the trees, the cooler mornings, and enjoying a warm cup of hot chocolate in the evening. Those were her memories.

The other girl, who is in the cold climate, spoke of how it was dark all of the time, gray and dreary during the day, and either raining or snowing. She saw nothing good about the upcoming winter at all.

What we focus on becomes how we feel inside. It is impossible to feel joyful when your eyes look for nothing but unhappiness in your environment.

No matter what the circumstances, there is always beauty to be found around you. By choosing to notice the things that are wonderful, this becomes your focus and can improve your mood in an instant.

Take control of who you are and who you want to become. Complaining about the things that you don’t like doesn’t help you to move in the direction you want to go.

It makes no sense to focus on what we don’t want. By consciously choosing what you see around you and the thoughts that run through your mind, you can begin to see life in an entirely new way. This power belongs to you.

When you look for what you don’t want, it will always expand. 

Living in a constant state of indecision is a monumental waste of energy. There is no chance to improve your current situation if you don’t know what you want.

If you want to live in a different climate, then find a way to make it happen. People move all of the time. There is nothing that forces you to stay in one location if you would prefer to be somewhere else.

But know also that we tend to romanticize how we think something else is going to be. The truth is, wherever you go you take yourself. If you are miserable where you are, there is a good chance that you will be miserable wherever you go.

Having clarity about the direction you would like to go will enable you to begin to take action. Don’t allow fear to stop you from beginning. If you decide that what you thought you wanted isn’t actually what you want now, then you can make adjustments and go in a new direction

It is only in beginning that we can refine and re-navigate the course we are on and start to live the life of our dreams.

Banish complaining and indecision and become very aware that there is only so much time to do what you want to do with your life. Make a decision, focus, and do what it takes to be the person you want to be.

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