#58 Eat Mindfully

Take a lesson from the animals. When they eat, it is all that they do. – Vegetarian rhinoceros at Perth Zoo

It doesn’t seem strange to most people to sit and eat while watching a program, working on the computer or reading a book. Most of the time we distract ourselves while eating, not even noticing how much we are consuming or even what it tastes like. We disconnect from what should be an enjoyable activity in itself.

Mindlessly eating is one of the biggest contributors to obesity. It is easy to sit in front of the television with a bag of potato chips or a handful of cookies and finish it without even remembering doing so. This habit is so ingrained in many people that they can’t imagine sitting and doing nothing other than eating.

Action – Commit to having at least one meal a day with no distractions. It’s an opportunity to unwind and will help with digestion as the stomach muscles relax. It might not seem natural at first if you are used to distracted eating but it is a habit worth developing. Sit somewhere comfortable, relax, and begin to eat. Notice how things taste and the different textures of the food. Be grateful that you can eat and enjoy whatever it is you are having.

Steps – Minimize the number of times that you are eating while on the go. Grabbing food while you are driving or in the morning while you rush around getting ready doesn’t allow the body the ability to properly relax. It also prohibits you from recognizing when you are full, leading to overeating. Respect your body and allow it to fully benefit from a slower pace and the chance to assimilate the nutrition it needs to function.

Sit at a table and look at the food you are about to consume. Think of everything that went into its production, how it grew, who harvested or manufactured it, and what nature did to make it possible. Take a bite and enjoy the feel of it as you chew, and put your fork down until you have swallowed. Eat with chopsticks or use your non-dominant hand if you are unable to stop shovelling. Take at least 20 minutes to eat a normal-sized meal and see how you feel throughout.

Why It Makes You Feel Better – The number one benefit of mindful eating is relaxation and reduced stress. The entire digestive system works much better when you are relaxed and your mind has a lot to do with this. Attentive eating also allows the body to tell you when it has had enough, so it is a very effective weight-loss tool. Anyone prone to binge eating can learn to listen to the body’s cues and may be able to take control of this destructive behaviour.

When you eat mindfully, you can become aware of the reason you are eating. There is a difference between emotional and physical hunger. Eating when you are bored, sad or upset is not what your body wants. Allow yourself to actually feel hunger before you eat, as that signals that the body is prepared to receive food and will digest and process it much more efficiently.

Example – Discover what your triggers are. If you always grab a snack when you come home or when you sit to watch something, have a glass of water or cup of tea instead. If you aren’t hungry, don’t eat. Break the unconscious habit of mindless eating and you will find increased health, more energy, and the ability to maintain a healthy weight all within your reach.

Pay attention to one of the most important things that you will do today. Eat mindfully and see the difference it can make in your life.

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