#56 Decide What is Important

A lazy afternoon spent with a friend can be better than anything else -White kangaroos at Perth Zoo

It often takes a tragedy or an unexpected change in lifestyle to knock us out of complacency and make us realize what is truly important. The best lessons come from people who are nearing the end of their lives. When asked it they have any regrets, many of them will say that they wish they had enjoyed life more, not worked as hard, and spent more time with family and friends.

Time is the one thing that we can’t control. The young feel as though they will live forever, and throughout life we tend to think only of what we can get for ourselves. We want money, status, big houses and fancy cars. It’s okay to work towards expanding and achieving goals, but there must be balance. It’s important to appreciate all that you have instead of thinking only of what you want.

Action – If you were told that this was your last day on earth, what are you doing that seems important but really isn’t? What are you worrying about, who are you angry with, what are you wishing you had that would make you happy? Because, in reality, none of us knows how much time lies ahead. We could live to be 120, or not. We could be healthy and active and aware right until the end, or not. 

It’s time to be conscious that nothing is certain other than this moment. This is why deciding what is important matters.

Steps – Gratitude for all that surrounds you can instantly change the way you perceive life. Be thankful for all that happened to you in the past, no matter how horrible. You survived it and it made you who you are today. The harshest experiences can provide the biggest opportunities for growth. See things in a new light of appreciation and allow yourself to let go of any resentment or bitterness that is holding you back. It honestly doesn’t serve you.

Set goals for yourself and be clear about what you want to do and have, but enjoy the journey instead of rushing from one destination to another. Don’t allow jealousy to pollute your spirit and be happy for the achievements of others. The more positive energy you put out, the more will come back to you.

Whatever or whoever is in your life right now, imagine that suddenly they are gone. How would that make you feel? How would you act differently today if you knew that tomorrow nothing was going to be the same? 

Why It Makes You Feel Better – Appreciation and gratitude are components of the emotion of love. There is either love or there is fear – nothing else exists. All of the other emotions fall under one of these two. Feeling love is the quickest way to be genuinely happy. Everything else is unimportant.

Health, family, friends, freedom, security, purpose and peace are the only things that matter. Don’t wait until the end of life to realize this.

Example – If you feel you need money and fancy things to be someone, then you are wasting time trying to validate yourself through the eyes of others. A true feeling of joy cannot be achieved through this pursuit. Look at what you feel is missing from your life right now and decide whether it will truly bring you happiness. If you were gone tomorrow, would any of it really matter?

Surround yourself with love and know that it is enough. Decide what is important and then be thankful for that in every moment.

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