#30 Pray

I am so small in a world that is so big. I acknowledge that I have no idea how any of it works

Such a simple little word, and yet this could ignite a lot of different feelings in many people. When I speak of prayer, it doesn’t need to carry any religious connotations with it. It is simply an acknowledgment that we don’t need to feel alone and that asking for guidance or support from something outside of ourselves is a vibrational request that can make us feel better.

Feeling alone is a big problem in society. Some of us can be surrounded by people and still feel isolated. Being able to ask for help from others is something that many people don’t feel able to do, so turning to prayer can be a perfect solution. It can be a lifeline when you feel overwhelmed.

Action – We think we know a lot of things about how the universe works and what is real or not real. Prayer has endured for thousands of years as a way of finding faith and strength in times of need, and of showing appreciation when all is well. In times of tragedy, having something to believe in is important. Go with what feels comfortable for you and take some time to be appreciative of life and everything that sustains us.

Sending thoughts of love and compassion to others is a perfect use of prayer. When you can’t do anything else to help, this can be enough.

Steps – First thing in the morning, look around and silently say thank you for another opportunity to live another day. Be grateful with whatever you have and raise your vibration to one of appreciation. This is the energy frequency that you will send out to the world, and it is what will be attracted back to you. Formal prayer isn’t necessary, but spending a few moments in positive reflection can change the way your day will go.

Why It Makes You Feel Better – Feeling gratitude for every new day is an easy way to send positive energy into the world around you. Acknowledging that you need the sun to shine, the rain to fall, the plants to grow, and the air to breathe in order to survive is a quick way of being humble and knowing that you aren’t bigger than anything else that is here. Prayer is an easy way to dissolve ego and that can help you to live a life of fulfillment.

The world can be a scary place and our feelings of safety and security can dissolve in a heartbeat. When you feel completely helpless to control anything, it leaves you feeling powerless and in a depressed state. Believing that you can ask for guidance or help from something outside of yourself can spark enough hope that you are able to see solutions instead of problems. There is strength in this, as opposed to feeling no hope at all.

Example – First thing when you wake up and right before you fall asleep, be thankful. Nothing is promised to any of us, but to be living and to be grateful for that alone provides you the ability to go forward and do your best. We never know what is around the next corner, so appreciate the fact that you are here and you are alive.

Vibrate at a higher frequency of gratitude and your life could change today.

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