#2 Drink Water

Water is life! Costa Rica has so many beautiful waterfalls and everything around is green and lush

Some of the best ways to instantly feel better also cost no money. It’s only a matter of remembering to do it and then reaping the benefits! Today, and every day, drink water. Yes, tea and coffee contain water but unless it’s herbal, they contain caffeine so won’t count towards our total. 

Water is life. We can live for a few weeks without food, but only a few days with no water. If your main source of fluid intake is in the form of sugary sodas or energy drinks, then you are giving the body extra work to do to eliminate the harmful components that are included.

Pure water is healing – chemical and sugar-filled water is not. Drink them if you must, but also include enough pure water to help flush out the bad stuff.

Action – You have probably heard that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day. The actual research on this is kind of murky, and if you exercise a lot or weigh 250 pounds you will need more water than someone who is sedentary and weighs 120 pounds. Go by what your body tells you. When your urine is a very light straw colour as opposed to yellow, then you are likely well-hydrated.

Steps – Drink a glass of water after getting out of bed. Then have one before every meal and add a couple when you feel like grabbing a snack. That should get you up to at least six glasses which is a good place to start. Just adding the water in the morning can set you up to feel better all day, so don’t miss out on that one.

Why It Makes You Feel Better – Our bodies are at least 60% water. It’s what we are made of! The list of what water does is long. If you want better digestion or you ever have constipation, drink more. If you ever get headaches, drinking water can definitely help. Being even slightly dehydrated can cause you to have lower energy levels or difficulty in focusing. It even helps with weight loss.

A lot of times when you feel hungry, it is the body trying to get your attention and asking for water. Give it what it wants! If you want to have younger-looking skin, clear eyes, good circulation, and boundless energy, don’t overlook the importance of water. It really is a miracle in a glass.

Example – The biggest change in my energy levels came when I started drinking two cups of water right after waking up. The body does a ton of housekeeping at night, and that stuff that it cleaned out needs to get out. Lubricating the system with water will get the bowels moving, the urine flowing, and everything working the way it is supposed to.

When I started drinking enough, I couldn’t believe how much better my skin looked! Everything was better – my digestion, energy levels, ability to maintain my weight where I want it, and how I look. 

If you do nothing else today to try to feel better, at least do this one. It is simple and it works.

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