What Does Success Feel Like?

The joy of winning, the pure sensation of success can be achieved in many ways

There really is no right or wrong answer to what success feels like. It is an individual measure, a personal response to achieving what you set out to do.

Success is categorized in different ways. For some it might be career-based, while for others it could focus on family. Running your own business or having a secure job at a good company could be your parameters of success. Providing a comfortable and supportive environment for your family could be your goal.

What the actual outward achievements look like isn’t important, but how you feel about them is everything. That is the only true measure of success there is.

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The Evolution of You

How can we be ordinary when nothing around us is? Another beautiful sunset in Costa Rica

Change can be difficult. Our habits become ingrained and we often move through the day with little thought as to what we are doing.

We wake up, shower, get dressed, go to work, come home, watch TV or play games, go to bed, and repeat.

Weekends are different, but also the same. There may be social activities, but there are also routines like grocery shopping, cleaning, taking the kids places, or taking yourself somewhere.

Life has a flow to it, and we can predict with some certainty what we will be doing in one year or six months because it is very similar to what we were doing one year ago.

But what if you feel like you are doing something you aren’t meant to be doing? What if you are someone you aren’t supposed to be?

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Take It Easy

Maybe it’s because I grew up in the country that when I am in nature, I always feel complete and total peace

Is it okay to just be okay?

It feels like everyone is rushing around educating themselves, promoting themselves, and working hard to achieve goals and dreams and wealth and status.

Is it ever okay though to just be content with a life of ease instead of achievement?

You can feel you are lazy if you aren’t working, raising a family, building a side hustle, gaining clout on social media, and being so busy you can’t even think about what you already have.

There is so much going on in the world right now. Everything is moving so quickly, it’s like being in the middle of a tornado feeling helplessly swept away while compelled to keep whirling at a high rate of speed.

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