Getting it Right – The Daily, June 15, 2020

Experience all of the beauty that exists all around. Appreciate what is good and wonderful

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” 
― Isaac Asimov

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

Whenever there are moments of great change, there come moments where we can go forward by quantum leaps or regress to what was familiar and comfortable. Wanting things to get back to normal when normal obviously wasn’t working doesn’t make sense. It’s time to take a leap of faith and think that whatever waits once we land, it can’t be worse than how things were.

This applies both on a societal level and a personal one. By all indications, the rest of 2020 is likely to be as challenging as the first half was. There is no better time than now to throw out all of the old in your life and get ready for a rebirth into something brand new. Deep down it is what the soul is yearning for, so honour the urge to reinvent yourself. The sky is the limit to what you can accomplish when you make a decision to do something and then put your heart into it.

Venus – Another ten days of Venus retrograde, which occurs once every eighteen months for about 40-43 days. Still not a good time for large purchases or major financial undertakings, and relationships can be challenging so just go with the flow. So much is happening astrologically this year that by taking a few precautions and being aware of what’s going on, it might be easier to traverse through the chaos more peacefully. Don’t set things up to be more difficult than they need to be.

Thought of the Day – Enjoy the outdoors as the days continue to shine with increasing hours of daylight. It will be a powerful summer solstice this year as there is a solar eclipse a few hours later as well. Each day brings something special to learn or experience, so open yourself up to new possibilities. Death comes soon enough. Be alive while you are still living.

Have a wonderful day.

“All we demanded was our right to twinkle.” 
― Marilyn Monroe