Reach Back

Give someone a hand if they need it. Don’t leave them stranded like my Puerto Rican bird friend

Caught up in our own lives, sometimes we forget to look around and see what’s going on around us. People who we are close with could be struggling and we don’t even see it until it gets to be a big problem.

This fast-paced world we are in right now comes with pressure to be successful, achieve great things, and work to make something of our lives so we can show everyone how well we are doing. It’s a lot to deal with. 

It’s probably safe to assume that many people around you are struggling. Acknowledge that you have those challenging moments too.

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Take It Easy

Maybe it’s because I grew up in the country that when I am in nature, I always feel complete and total peace

Is it okay to just be okay?

It feels like everyone is rushing around educating themselves, promoting themselves, and working hard to achieve goals and dreams and wealth and status.

Is it ever okay though to just be content with a life of ease instead of achievement?

You can feel you are lazy if you aren’t working, raising a family, building a side hustle, gaining clout on social media, and being so busy you can’t even think about what you already have.

There is so much going on in the world right now. Everything is moving so quickly, it’s like being in the middle of a tornado feeling helplessly swept away while compelled to keep whirling at a high rate of speed.

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