Sunday Silence – The Daily, July 19, 2020

Nowhere to go, nothing to do. Surround yourself in serenity if only for one day

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” 
― Norman Vincent Peale

“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.” 
― Eckhart Tolle

It’s another day to thrive, or just to exist. A chance to live your life, or to do the same thing today as yesterday. What are you inspired to achieve before you are gone? If you want to do something, then formulate a plan and prepare to begin, because now is all we ever have.

Reflection – The Moon is in Cancer today, a comfortable place for it to be. On this day before a New Moon, wind things down rather than start something up. Reflection is favored over innovation. It’s a time of completion, and not the best day to begin something new. Make plans today and think about what has happened in the last four weeks since the New Moon of June. It will be time for action in the week ahead.

Seeking Silence – Look for the quiet moments today, the pauses in conversation, the little spaces in the daily hum of activity. Turn off the noise and allow the silence to permeate your world. Through this silence can come clarity and revelations, or it can bring peace and a restful feeling. Either way, just allow the day to be and don’t fight against it. Acceptance is one of the most precious gifts you can welcome into your life.

Thought of the Day – It is better to spend a day looking at everything around you as being a miracle than to spend the same day wishing it were different that it is. Breathe, slow down and prepare for what is to come. But mostly breathe and appreciate. Let the rest of life carry on without your eternal judgment weighing it down. Have a quiet and restorative Sunday.

“There is nothing else than now. There is neither yesterday, certainly, nor is there any tomorrow. How old must you be before you know that? There is only now, and if now is only two days, then two days is your life and everything in it will be in proportion. This is how you live a life in two days. And if you stop complaining and asking for what you never will get, you will have a good life. A good life is not measured by any biblical span.” 
― Ernest Hemingway