I Don’t Mind What Your Mind Minds

Love it or hate it? Another beautiful sunset in Costa Rica. It just is, regardless of your opinion

Have you ever had someone say something really mean to you? Most of us have. Sometimes the hurtful words come from those close to us, and these can linger a lifetime.

When you believe what someone else says about you, it can change the life you end up living. It can turn you into a person you never wanted to be.

If as a child you were singing and your mother happened to have a headache, she may have voiced her pain out loud and told you to be quiet, that your voice was hurting her. Even if you were a beautifully talented singer, these words could have been enough to keep you from ever singing again.

You took it personally.

You accepted something that wasn’t true as a reality for yourself. You took a lie and formed an identity around it.

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Keeping Your Power Within

Lake Ontario is as beautiful as any other large body of water – just a little colder

I walked alone for hundreds of hours on many different beaches over the last few years. I didn’t listen to music or talk to anyone; I just walked in silence, watching nature and meditating.

There was a rhythm that I tuned into, a flow of life that was unmistakeable. We are part of that rhythm but we are so busy all of the time that we fail to notice it.

Birth, life, death. It’s pretty simple really. We come into the physical world, we have all of our hopes and dreams and expectations, we participate in life, and then we are gone.

Walking in cemeteries is another thing I like to do. When you live in a big city it can be the only truly quiet place that is available. It’s also a great place to reflect. Who were these people when they were alive? What were their stories? Did they have wonderful lives, or difficult ones?

We aren’t taught the joy of living when we are young. There are too many important things to learn, like fitting in, how to read and write, learning what your place is in life. The pursuit of joy is not a consideration for most of us.

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