Leaving, Changing, Growing

Lake Ontario – I loved jogging past here when I lived downtown

It’s a fantasy of so many people – to quit your job, do only what you want to do, and start your own thing. I did exactly that. And so far it is everything I hoped for and more.

Of course, planning well in advance of making the final leap is important. Acting impulsively and telling your boss you are quitting without having a plan will make the journey a lot more challenging.

It’s best to be running towards something and not away from something else. I knew what I wanted to do, got the necessary education to be able to do it, and even then I waited until I could wait no longer.

So what does it feel like?

It starts with a sense of excitement. No more obligations, no more having to do what other people tell you to do, only following your heart and chasing your dreams.

But it takes a special kind of discipline to be able to work for yourself, especially in the beginning. Remember, there is no security of a paycheck. Yes there is freedom, yes there is a sense of excitement, but there are also times when fear can creep in.

How will I pay the bills? What am I going to do today? Am I ever going to be successful? These types of questions can undermine your confidence, and make you question whether or not you made the right decision.

The key is to remain focused. Know what you want to accomplish, and then make strides every day to reach those goals.

What To Do Before and After You Make the Leap

1) Have a plan. It’s important to know where you want to go and what you want to achieve. It doesn’t have to be completely mapped out, but having goals is important. 

2) Have some security. You need to have a contingency plan. At least six months to a year of living expenses is crucial. This gives you the first few weeks to figure out which direction you want to move in, while still allowing you lots of time to adjust course or find supplementary income. The worst thing is to be unprepared and to start to panic due to lack of resources.

3) Schedule your time. You don’t need to schedule every minute of every day, but it is important to know what you would like to accomplish. Things don’t get done by themselves. You need to work the plan and plan the work.

4) Be disciplined. It’s easy to fill your days with busywork that doesn’t move you in the direction of your goals. Having coffee with friends, getting tasks done around the house, and other time stealers can make you feel as though you are accomplishing something, when in reality you’re just avoiding what needs to be done. Use your time wisely.

5) Stay focused on exactly what it is that you want. By having a clear image in your mind, it is much simpler to move forward in the direction of those dreams. Stay focused, stay disciplined, and stay motivated.

So far my plan is working exactly as I had hoped. My business is expanding, I am generating income, and I know what I need to accomplish each day to continue moving towards my goals.

By keeping your goal in sight, you will avoid falling into the trap of thinking you have all of the time in the world. If you aren’t using that time wisely, it will disappear and it could take your dream with it.