Stress Isn’t a Badge of Honour

A beautiful vacation in Cuba is an instant stress-reliever

Busy, busy, busy. Between family, work, socializing and getting ahead, there isn’t much time in the day to indulge in the pleasure of doing nothing. It seems like we are going at full speed from the minute we wake up until we collapse in bed to sleep.

If you are living like this, have you ever wondered why? Or are you swept up in the current of modern life, unaware that there is even the possibility to be any other way?

It can help to evaluate where you are and where you are going. Many of us aren’t eating the way we know we should, or getting enough healthy exercise, or taking time to just relax and enjoy a slower pace of life.

Two weeks of vacation a year isn’t enough. It can be more healing to take a mini-vacation from your life every day by finding a way to relax for a few moments.

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Stress Less

Yoga with friends in Costa Rica – if only every day could start like this!

I am always curious to hear how people deal with stress. It is, after all, one of the most important things we need to manage in today’s world.

Excess stress can affect your health in so many ways. Left unchecked, it can cause multiple health problems including high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.

The mental toll is notable also. Frequent insomnia, headaches, and the inability to focus on simple tasks can be traced back to stress as the cause.

It would be simple to say that we need to eliminate stress in our lives, but realistically that isn’t going to happen. That is why managing it and finding outlets for its release are crucial for staying healthy.

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Self-Care and Why It Isn’t Self-ish

Have you gone for a walk in nature today?

Tell a busy mother with three young kids, a full-time job, and friends and family who demand her time that she needs to add more self-care to her life.

She might throw something at you.

Or the busy executive who is putting in 70-hour work weeks, trying to get ahead, get that promotion or land the next big deal – tell him to slow down and take a moment to see how he is doing inside.

That will get a laugh for sure.

As the pace of the world continues to quicken, the last thing we have time for is ourselves. Until something goes wrong.

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