Finding Your Purpose

Knowing where you want to go is important. Getting there can be a joyful experience

This is a big one. When we are young, we think that if only we can discover our life’s purpose that everything will neatly fall into place and we will always know in which direction we are meant to go.

It’s actually somewhat true. It’s just that we might go about it the wrong way.

The feeling of drifting and being unsure comes from not acknowledging what you enjoy doing and finding a way to make a living doing it. It’s that simple.

Sometimes we get caught up in thinking that our purpose should be something big, like discovering the cure for cancer or saving the world. If you are drawn to those endeavours then maybe it is. If nothing about that gets you excited, then it certainly isn’t.

The truth is, you are going to spend thousands of hours working in a lifetime. Are they going to be enjoyable hours or complete misery?

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